38. Break

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Katsuki lowers his head meeting a perfect mouth and teary green eyes kissing the greenett gently, something he's been aching to do for two months. He backs Izuku through the apartment door closing it with his foot still keeping his mouth connected.

There's tears down fair cheeks as Izuku lets out a soft whimper of relief and emotion into the kiss feeling everything from the day melt away as those strong arms keep him close.

Katsuki's presence is so strong right now, the smell of his cologne and his leather jacket filling Izuku's senses making him sink in further into the blonde's hold on him as his fingers grip the black leather of the jacket that fits Katsuki's broad back so well.

Izuku pulls back from the deep kiss finally to catch his breath as he squeezes his eyes closed feeling tears still slide from them.

" I .. I can't believe you're really home, I feel like I must be having some kind of dream."

Katsuki smiles down at the emotional male in his arms giving him a kiss on the forehead.

" I'm definitely home. I left right after our phone call. What do you think the thing was I had to take care of was huh? It was you."

The words make an overly emotional greenett break down even further as he hugs the blonde tightly again speaking into the black leather of his jacket that his head is resting on.

" I'm.. I'm so happy to see you. I know it couldn't have been easy to drop everything and come home and I'm sorry if I was a bother that made you feel like you had to come back but... but I'd be totally lying if I said that I'm not really happy and relieved that you decided to.", he rambles into the blondes chest through tears.

Katsuki chuckles only slightly as he pulls back so he can see his boyfriend while he places large hands on fair skin wiping away tears with his thumbs.

" Oi, nothing about you is a bother. There's no way in hell I could have stayed out there on the road knowing what you were dealing with alone back here. You look tired as fuck, I know you've had a rough night so let's get you back in bed huh and we'll talk more after we both get some sleep.", he says gently as he slides his leather jacket off and takes the greenett by the hand shutting off the lights as he moves them to them the bedroom.

Izuku follows behind happily, his grip on the blondes hand tight as he speaks.

" You must be tired too. You had a show tonight, oh my gosh I just thought about that.", the greenett says as he climbs into bed.

" I'm alright, I slept a little on the plane.", the musician says with a slight smile.

Green eyes watch Katsuki smirk then pull his shirt off unbuttoning his black jeans to reveal black and orange to die for fitted to him perfectly boxer briefs making Izuku subconsciously bite his bottom lip. He doesn't even realize he's doing it till the sting of it being busted reminds him.

"Ouch.", he mumbles suddenly making the blonde chuckle as he climbs into bed with his eyes on his boyfriend.

" You alright? Need me to kiss it and make it better?"

Izuku blushes then laughs softly.

" I'm way better now that you came home and I won't ever complain about you kissing me rock star. Sorry for staring, been way too long since I got to see my hot boyfriend in person.", he smiles playfully.

Katsuki grins pulling him into his arms in bed as he looks over the busted lip.

" You can stare all you want, as long as I get to look at the prettiest eyes I've ever fucking seen. How's this feel huh? Fuck, I'm so pissed about this.", he tells him as a scowl forms while his eyes never leave the sore looking cut on a perfect bottom lip.

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