44. Too Soon?

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There's a sound in the room, one that a sleepy mind is trying to process as it comes to after a long night.

Izuku scrunches his face, eyes still closed, face plastered on his pillow while he lays on his stomach.

He reaches his leg across the bed searching for the blonde musician who should be there, but when he doesn't find him groggy emerald eyes force themselves open as he rolls himself over onto his back.

The greenett sits up slightly seeing the object of where that noise is coming from shuffling through a large suitcase. It takes only a moment to realize it's Katsuki getting dressed.

The blonde meets his eye giving a slight smirk.

" Morning baby, sorry for waking you up, I tried to be quiet."

Izuku gives a sleepy smile as he sits up fully running a hand through messy sleep curls.

" It's ok, I don't mind but where are you going? I don't remember you saying you had to be anywhere today."

Katsuki sighs as he moves to take a seat on the bed still shirtless in unbuttoned black jeans.

" That's because I fucking forgot till I got a reminder text a bit ago about having a damn fan signing meet and greet today before we head out of this town. I'm sorry I didn't run it by you. I was gonna leave you a note, I didn't really want to wake you up since we didn't go to sleep till after five am. I'm used to this shit schedule, you aren't."

The greenett glances at the bedside clock seeing it's a little after eleven am. Green eyes meet the blonde's again.

"It's fine Kacchan,I'll be right back.", he smiles

Katsuki watches as the still sleepy looking greenett climbs out of bed and shuffles into the bathroom.

After a fast brush of his teeth and taming of green curls, Izuku re-emerges standing in the bathroom door way in just a pair of Katsuki's red satin pajama pants. Several marks and hickies litter his chest from the night before and the events that took place after the concert making the blondes eyes go dark with desire once again.

Sinful thoughts are broken when the greenett speaks up in a soft tone.

" So um, is this something I can go to with you or would you rather me not?", he ask with a trace of sleep still in the tone.

Katsuki raises a brow as he stands up, reaching out a large hand pulling Izuku to him by the hip.

"Deku, you can absolutely go if you want to, the only reason I didn't wake you up was because I wanted you to get some rest, but fuck of course I want you to."

Izuku smiles wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck.

" Good, I mean I don't have that much more time with you before I have to go back home and I really want to spend every minute I can with you, as clingy and pathetic as that sounds.", he grins.

The blonde smirks pulling him closer.

" It's totally clingy, and fucking sappy as shit, and completely you. That's why I fucking love it. Get dressed nerd, I'm happy to show you off every chance I get."

Izuku grins kissing the blonde quick on the lips while he hurries around the hotel room to get ready, but as he's doing so he notices his boyfriend lay across the bed with a heavy grunt and a tattooed arm resting over his eyes.

He sits down gently next to him touching a built chest that's now covered in a black tshirt softly.

" Kacchan? Are you alright?"

Katsuki pulls his arm back from his eyes enough to see concerned green ones peering down at him.

He smiles slightly as he answers.

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