25. Rough Night

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Piercing scarlet eyes narrow with a glare at the image of his ex in front of him.

Words are said with anger radiating in his tone.

" What the fuck are you doing here?"

Sora smiles stepping closer, hands in the pockets of his jacket.

" This is a public street, I can be here."

The blonde is in absolutely no mood for this or the games he knows he ex likes to play.

" Bullshit, what the fuck do you want huh? And how did you know I was here?"

Sora rolls his eyes.

" Katsuki, I remember your schedule, and you were normally here practicing then home with me anyways"

The blonde glares.

" Ever think that's because being here was better than being home with you? You never gave me much of a reason to want to be home, between you bitching at me for every God damn thing or having your face in your phone all the time talking to any guy that gave you the fucking time of day."

There's a huff of frustration from Sora.

" And this new guy is worth being home for??! Must not be since you're here"

Katsuki is not a patient guy, it's a fact that anyone who knows him knows. This little interaction is causing what shred of patience that he does have to stretch till he feels it starting to break, especially now that this cheating bastard is bringing up Izuku.

" Oh trust me, I'd be there if I had a choice. I had a rough time leaving him in my bed this morning. Good thing I put his hoodie on before I left, he smells hella good, it's like I can still feel him on my skin", he smirks pouring salt into the wound and setting it on fire.

He knows he hit his mark when he sees the brown eyes of his ex narrow with anger.

" Now I'm gonna ask again. What the fuck do you want?"

Sora forces a smile.

" Can't I just want to see you? I mean there was a time we were close Katsuki, we dated a long time. I see no reason we can't be friends"

Katsuki breaks into a sarcastic laugh.

" You must really be fucking crazy huh. You cheated on me, fucked another guy in MY bed, and that's just one that I knew about, there was probably others. You blamed me completely for the shit that went wrong when it was mostly you, you hardly wanted any fucking thing to do with me when we were together and now that I finally fucking moved on you wanna be friends?! Fuck you Sora. Only thing you want from me is drama because you feed off it, I'm not sure you know how to live without it and don't for one God damn minute think that i don't know it was you who took those pictures of me and Deku and passed them off to Mic and the papers to start shit. You couldn't handle seeing me with someone else but even more than that, you can't stand to see me happy, honestly I don't think you ever wanted me happy even when we were together, that's why all you fucking did was shit to piss me off, hurt me, or make me jealous. I'm so over that shit, and you, and you can't handle it"

Brown eyes narrow.

" And what about this guy makes you so happy?! He doesn't even look like you're type!"

Before Katsuki can he respond his bestfriend is outside next to him looking almost as annoyed as the blonde himself.

" Hey bro, everything alright? I came out to check on you cause you been gone awhile."

Katsuki meets the redheads eye.

" Yeah, everything is fine, some trash just blew across the street that's all", the blonde smirks making Kirishima snicker.

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