19. Flames

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Clubs. Hot, loud, overcrowded, overpriced, strangers too close for comfort,clubs were normally not Katsuki Bakugo's thing.

But clubs with his new pretty emerald eyed boyfriend was a whole different story.

Mina wasn't lying when she said that Izuku was fun, because he was. He wanted to dance to every song, would try almost any drink concoction, would actually eat rather than say he didn't know what he wanted or didn't want anything, no Izuku would eat his burger then reach for the rest of Katsuki's fries giving the blonde a kiss on the cheek, with his leg rested over his thigh while he chattered and laughed something that Katsuki actually loved.

And affectionate, the greenett was super affectionate, always touching the blonde even in the smallest ways, he would hold his hand or his arm. Stand super close when they talked, hug him without having to be reached for first, nudge him when they teased each other, laugh at the blondes jokes even if they were at his expense.

And those eyes, let's not forget those drop dead gorgeous emerald eyes that everytime Katsuki searched for where looking right back at him. Giving him flirtatious glances or stares, looking up with light and laughter in them when they danced.

Katsuki's ex was nothing like Izuku in many ways, this was one of them, when they were out it was like Sora almost ignored the blonde all together while he talked and played with others.

He hated to dance, hardly ate anything unless it was rabbit food, didn't like public affection at all and would often pick fights with Katsuki seeming almost to feed of the drama it would bring.

Yes Izuku was completely different and now the blonde is wondering why the fuck he had ever missed his ex at all because lately those thoughts and feelings are drifting further and further from his memory and definitely his heart.

The blonde musician is thinking these things as he sits at the bar drinking his beer talking to Sero and Kirishima, but his eyes keep looking at one target.

The pretty eyed waiter is not too far from him dancing with Mina and Denki, ok more laughing then dancing and the blonde can hear his off key singing from where he sits and it actually makes him smile and chuckle often.

The redhead looks over at his friend with a grin.

" Nice to see you smile again man"

The blonde meets his eye then shifts his gaze back to a laughing greenett.

He nods, that smile curving onto his face without warning.

" Yeah, good to actually have a fucking reason to. Hope it stays that way"

Kiri smiles.

" Pretty sure you got nothing to worry about there. Mido is a good fit for you"

Katsuki nods.

" Yeah, I suppose so.", he says as he watches the greenett coming back to him meeting the blondes eye with a smile.

" Hi rock star, whatca drinking?", the greenett grins as he stands between Katsuki knees who is sitting on a black leather bar stool.

The blonde smirks.

" Just a beer nerd. You want one?"

Izuku nods but before Katsuki can order him one Denki slams shot glasses down on the table.

" Beer is getting boring, let's do shots!"

Katsuki rolls his eyes.

" Shots, seriously?

Izuku grins, a mischievous look dancing in green eyes while he looks at his boyfriend.

" What's the matter Kacchan? Scared you won't be able to handle it?", he teases, a flirt in his voice.

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