35. Missin' You

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It's been two weeks now that Katsuki has been on the road and two weeks already feels like two years Izuku thinks as he stands at work late one night working the closing shift.

He stares out the window absentmindedly as he dries a glass to put away behind the bar.

There's a heavy sigh as he continues to watch out the window with his mind on blonde spikes and deep crimson eyes. He misses his boyfriend. He knew he would but he may have underestimated just how much.

He didn't get to speak to the blonde on the phone last night since Katsuki was so busy with practice then late night shows. Katsuki did manage to text him as often as possible yesterday but that was all he could do. The greenett had called him this morning to see if he could catch him but since Katsuki's shows end so late he was asleep and didn't answer but did text as soon as he woke which happened to be on Izuku's way to work.

He knew this would be hard, they talked about it and it was definitely going to be challenging. It would be worth it, this much Izuku knows but that doesn't mean there aren't going to be times of intense feelings of longing and missing each other, like he feels right now.

Emerald eyes land on the clock on the wall. It's after ten pm he'll be here till midnight then head home. Katsuki has a show tonight so he knows he probably won't get to hear his voice again this evening.

Over six hundred miles away a blonde musician's mind is also on a green-eyed waiter even though he's getting ready to take the stage.

Opening music blares through the large speakers and fans scream with excitement ready to see their favorite band as Katsuki stands backstage pulling out his phone to send a fast message with an aching heart.

Kacchan 🎶
Getting ready to play rock star again but I wanted to let you know that I'm missin you.. bad. I know I haven't been able to talk much lately but you're on my mind baby, make sure you know that..

As soon as Izuku hears his phone go off he almost drops the glass in he's hand he's drying as he hurries to read the message.

He feels a wave of emotion like he actually might cry because he's so happy to hear from his boyfriend in the same moment he was thinking so heavily about him.

Deku 💚
Gosh I'm so glad you texted. Have a great show handsome and I miss you sooo much Kacchan. Can't wait till you get back. I hope we can talk soon, till then I'm definitely thinking about you ♡

The blonde smiles and sighs at the same time as he puts his phone down and picks his guitar up.
A somber expression falls across his features as he adjust his leather guitar strap across his shoulder. As he listens to the roar of the crowd waiting to see him he decides it's not nearly as appealing as the sound of a green-eyed waiter who's waiting for him back home and now the three and a half months he has left out here feels like years.

A few hours later Izuku is pulling on his coat after a long night at work. He's tired, fatigue is tugging at him as he heads out the restaurant doors and heads for home.

There's a heaviness in his heart as he moves down mostly empty sidewalks after midnight. He's been thinking about his boyfriend all night and the several happy couples he waited on tonight at work only seemed to make that ache grow stronger.

A cool breeze picks up as rain drops begin to fall soaking the pavement and a green-eyed waiter quickly.

" Ugh, great.", Izuku mumbles as he picks up his pace to get home.

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