40. Amazing

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* Smut*

Izuku sits nervously in his first class leather seat on an airplane he's actually terrified of.

The blonde glances down at his boyfriend as he puts their bags in the overhead compartment watching the greenett fasten his seat belt and take a nervous breath. The slight makes him chuckle while he sits down by the window.

Katsuki reaches over and takes a smaller hand in his raising it to his mouth kissing the back of it gently.

" It's gonna be alright Deku, short ride and me right here beside you."

Izuku smiles squeezing the blonde's hand.

" I know. I'll be ok, its just...."

The plane begins to take off down the runway making green eyes go wide.

" Terrifying! It's absolutely terrifying!"

Katsuki chuckles reaching over placing his hand on the greenett cheek pulling hin gently into a kiss .

The kiss is soft, but intense as the blonde runs his tongue over Izuku bottom lip then slowly begins to explore the inside of his mouth with an expert move that melts his boyfriend into him.

By the time Katsuki pulls back making sure to pull that bottom lip between his teeth before he lets go he sees lust drunk green eyes and a blush on fair skin. It makes him smirk as he runs his thumb over freckles.

" Look out the window, we're already up in the air", the smirking blonde whispers.

Green eyes blink coming out of a heated daze as he glances out the window next to the blonde seeing the darken night sky above the clouds.

He raises a brow.

" Wow, you're good rock star"

Katsuki chuckles kissing him softly again

" I know, won't be long before we land."

The greenett gives him a smile and a nod as he glances around the area.

It's late so most of the passengers in first class have settled back and are trying to nap in the dim lit cabin.

Izuku takes a breath leaning back in the large comfortable leather seat trying to do the same. He leans over on the blondes shoulder giving him a kiss on the cheek.

" Thanks for coming to get me. I know I already thanked you like a million times but it really does mean a lot. You're my hero.", he says with a grin making that dimple pop.

Katsuki smiles leaning down to kiss his forehead.

" Just one of my many talents. Good looking rock star who can play a bunch of instruments, write songs, sing the shit of of them and then rescue a gorgeous green-eyed nerd in my spare time. I'm like mother fucking batman", he whispers.

Izuku breaks into a soft laugh trying to keep the noise down foe the sleeping passengers.

The sound and sight make Katsuki laugh beside him.

Green eyes meet grining crimson ones.

" You definitely are, my dark knight in black leather and tattoos."

They both laugh until Izuku feels the plane shake with a bit of turbulence that makes him grip his boyfriend by the forearm with panic in his eyes.

Katsuki immediately puts his arm around him and pulls him closer to his side.

" It's ok baby, calm down. It's just a little turbulence and completely normal, remember I fly all the time. I wouldn't lie to you."

Worried green eyes look at the steady crimson ones studying him. Izuku clamps down on his cheek nodding nervously.

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