43. The Show

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Katsuki stands in his dressing room before the concert he's about to preform applying a few last finishing touches to his look.

He fixes a few stray blonde spikes and adjust a black onyx gem in his ear. Kirishima steps up beside fixing a black bandana around his forehead as he grins at his best friend in the large mirror.

" Good day with Mido bro? Cause I gotta tell ya man you look so much more relaxed than I've seen you in weeks out here."

The blonde shifts his eyes slightly to the side eyeing his friend before crimson eyes move back to his own reflexion while he pulls on a deep black leather jacket over a fitted white tank top.

There's a smile that begins to curve onto sharp features as he answers the question.

" Yeah it was good, really fucking good. I didn't even realize how bad I needed a day like today until Deku stepped in and pretty much didn't give me a choice. Hell, here I thought I was saving his ass when I went home to get him but fuck, I think it's the other way around."

Kirishima smiles feeling a wave of happiness for his friend who had been so broken and depressed not all that long ago before a green eyed waiter showed up in their lives and changed the blonde's world for the better.

The redhead pats his friend on the shoulder with his ever supportive grin.

" That's great man, really great. Mido is an awesome match for you, you guys seem to really even each other out."

The blonde gives a slight smile as his eyes shift down while his mind thinks about what was just said. It's true that they seem to even each other out, for the first time Katsuki has found someone who works just as hard taking care of him and his needs as he does for the other. Izuku is strong for him in the moments he isn't like today when he stepped in and made him take a mental health day off. Katsuki in return is just as strong for Izuku when he's overwhelmed and breaking down, and let's not forget that finally the blonde has found a partner that is just as willing to kick ass for him when it's needed, something they have both proved they're willing to do when it comes down to it.

The door to the dressing room suddenly opens breaking the blonde's thoughts as Sero and Denki come into sight with large smiles.

" Hey guys look who we found!", Sero grins grabbing a laughing greenett by the shoulders while Denki ruffles his hair.

" Yeah he was waiting in the hall! Told us that he was dating the lead singer. We told him he was wayyy too cute for that.", Kami teases watching Katsuki smirk and flip him off.

Kirishima breaks into a laugh as he makes his way to the greenett to say hello.

" Better watch what you say Kamibro, or you won't live to perform tonight. Hey Mido! Nice to see ya finally, Bakugo been hogging ya all to himself.", the redhead smiles fist bumping the greenett then pulling him into a friendly hug.

Izuku laughs softly hugging the friendly musician.

" Great to see all you guys! I'm super excited to be here and you can't totally blame Kacchan for keeping me hidden for a bit, I'll definitely admit I didn't really wanna share him either.", Izuku says while emerald eyes shift to the blonde's intense gaze watching that smirk he loves take over.

The blonde makes his way to his boyfriend putting his arm around his neck and pulling him to his side, giving him a kiss on the temple.

" What he's saying is he came to see me not you fuckers.", the blonde smirks at the others who only laugh with head shakes.

The greenett grins wrapping his arms around his boyfriend looking up into the eyes he can't get enough of.

" Well I am your number one fan after all Rock Star"

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