50. Amazing Musician

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Katsuki rolls over stirring from a heavy night's sleep. He knows it's morning, he can sense the light in the room even though crimson eyes remain closed. There's a strong feeling of contentment washing over him making him feel like he could lay like this forever.

For the first time in awhile he's slept extremely well and he knows that's because everything has finally been sorted out with Izuku plus he had that gorgeous waiter tucked inside his arms all night after they talked some more and kissed like teenagers till they both finally let sleep take them.

There's a tired smile on his face even though he has yet to open his eyes at the thought of his boyfriend next to him but as he reaches over to find the bed empty he frowns.

One crimson orb peeps awake and a groggy voice calls a name.

" Deku? You in here baby?"

When there's no answer he gets up stretching the sleep from his muscles making his way to the bathroom.

A few minutes later after fresh brushed teeth he's standing in the mirror fixing blonde spikes when there's a small knock on the bathroom door.

" Kacchan?"

The soft voice males Katsuki's heart ache as he opens the door with a grin to see his boyfriend standing there with a bright smile and a cup of coffee.

" Morning rock star! I was hoping you were awake. Here I made your coffee.", he says with a smile giving the blonde a gentle kiss as he hands him the large red mug.

That quick kiss just isn't going to do it Katsuki decides as he sets his coffee on the bathroom counter and pulls Izuku into him closely deepening that good morning kiss. His tongue sweeps over a perfect bottom lip gaining access to the caverns of Izuku's mouth making the greenett melt in the blonde's strong hold immediately.

The greenett kisses back with the same intensity getting lost in the man he now knows loves him the same way he does only making this feel that much more amazing.

By the time Katsuki pulls back there love struck green eyes that are still fluttering open making him smirk and chuckle.

" Morning baby, thanks for the coffee.", he finally says with a wink taking a drink from the mug.

Izuku blinks at him with a flush face.

" Wow, I'm just gonna say it again, you don't play fair making me forget what I was even going to say kissing me like that."

Katsuki smirks leaning down kissing him quickly this time.

" What fun would that be if I did?"

Izuku laughs lightly.

" Good point, I'm definitely not complaining. Sorry I wasn't in bed when you got up but I was visiting with mom before she has to leave for work and she really wants to meet you before she goes so come on!", the greenett says excitedly as he tugs Katsuki by the hand.

The blonde slows his movements feeling slightly nervous because this was the mother of the most important person in his life and that was huge.

" Shit ok, yeah of course. Just uh give me a minute.", Katsuki says as he turns his attention back to the mirror and begins to remove his pricings

Izuku scrunches his face watching hearing the nervous tone. He steps beside the blonde rubbing his back.

" Kacchan, what are you doing? Don't take them out."

Katsuki looks over at him with a furrowed brow.

" But my fucking face is full of metal. What if she hates that? Or thinks I don't look good enough for you? I dunno maybe she'll think it's disrespectful or some shit."

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