Primera cita

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"Please, Arthur, I know you have an extra room."
"That's not my problem, Matthew."
"But please! He is my brother's friend from France, and I promised I could find him a place to stay. Alfred says he is super nice too and cooks good!!" He begged. Alfred's friend? They must be a trouble maker. "I promise you he is a nice guy, he just needs to stay for a month and by then he will be gone, he is just sightseeing," Matthew added. "He's never been to Canada?" I asked, confused. He nodded nervously "Not a lot of people have actually," he laughed.

"So what's the catch?"
"The catch?" He spoke with a crack in his voice.
"Yes, something is up; what is it?" I asked straight-faced. He tried to look away from me, but I stared at him hard. "He can't...."

"What?!" I asked, he had whispered to himself the ending. "He can't speak....." he tried to say, but I couldn't put it together. "He can't what?" I asked, confused. "HE CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH!" He shouted and my eyes widened. Maybe I pushed him over the edge. I took a deep breath and finally gave in. Lord knows I'd do anything for Matthew.

"When is he coming?" I asked
"Well, he is actually coming tomorrow.... I know! Don't be mad but I promise everything was last minute," he said nervously. I already know Alfred probably put a lot of pressure on me. "That's fine, at least it gives me tonight to brush up on my French," I said rolling my eyes. I have some French books that could help.

"I thought you already knew French?" He asked, confused. "When I was younger... I think most British people have to learn French? I'm not sure it has been a while. Kind of like how Alfred had to learn Spanish in the American school system.... It is just one of those things," I explained. "Oh I see, so what languages do you know?" He asked. "Just English and Spanish fluently, but French?..... It's such a hard language, maybe I'll remember while he is here," I laughed nervously.

"I'll be here to introduce the two of you as well."
"That sounds perfect!! We should be fine with that at least. Then I can always use google translate," I smiled. Maybe this will work out? I know everything has been a headache with how last minute this is but I trust Matthew's judgment. He and Alfred are basically my little brothers, and I know Matthew would never set me up for something I wouldn't want to do.

"Alright then, tomorrow I'm picking him up from the airport and bringing him straight here so be ready by twelve in the afternoon to meet someone," he warned a little. I nodded, and I began to see him out. I wanted to get a head start on cleaning for tomorrow and reading up on my French.

That's it! I'll write sticky notes in both English and French and post them all over the place for both of us! It would be perfect and helpful to us. That was going to take a long time, so I better get started on that now! And also the guest bedroom! So much to do today. Good thing it's summer vacation, and I don't have to worry about students or teaching stuff!! I'm kind of excited about this now!

"Francis! Where are you?"
"I am in this building that is blue? I can't read the sign."
"Ahhhh..... well, stay right there! I am almost there for you!" Matthew spoke. I'm so excited to be in Canada; going to America upon Alfred's request was kind of bad. I was robbed! And then the coffee was just terrible.

Alfred's brother is here too, so I know I'll be in good hands. I am so excited to meet the person I am staying with. They said his name was Arthur. That sounds interesting!!! I hope he is hot! Maybe the two of us could hook up. My gay detector will definitely go off if he is a homosexual.

I began to laugh and forgot I was on the phone with Matthew. "What is so funny?" He asked. "Oh, nothing," I spoke back.  "Hey, I thought Canadians spoke French too?" I asked, confused. "Well yes and no, but the airport you are in doesn't really have French signs. I promise that there will be more French signs... Just a different type of French, I guess," he tried to explain. "Ahhh, no worries."

Once we hung up, I waited about five minutes before I saw Matthew pull up beside me. He helped me put my bags in his car, and I got into the passenger side. "Is Arthur nice and hot?" I asked hopeful. "Ahhhh umm, well that's hard to answer..... you know what?!!!! He likes reading; that's cool" he smiled at me. I lifted a brow, confused, and shook my head "is he hot?" I asked again. "Well depends on who you ask.... I personally see him as a brother, but Ummm, I think he dates?" He said, confused.

"I will be the judge of that then." I smiled with happiness. He began to laugh at what I said and began to drive. I was looking outside of the window, and I began to feel nervous. It is not like I'll be staying with this person for a whole month.

After some time of driving, we finally stopped at this cute little house. The garden was amazing, and there was a white fence surrounding the place. This already seems lovely. "Are you ready?" He asked me, and I nodded nervously. We both stepped out of the car and began to get my two suitcases out of the car. We opened the fence and began to walk up towards the door. As Matthew knocked, I stood behind him, staring at the garden; it was so pretty.

A hand pulled me, and I turned to look at the man who was letting me stay at his place. He was dressed like an old man that just woken up from his evening nap. His hair was messy, and his eyebrows looked like they needed a trip. His still face was soft, and I wanted to caress it. He wasn't just a hot man; he was definitely "beautiful."

Sorry for not writing for so long!!! But I'm back this summer!!!

This first is a romance story for the hetalia fandom. Get ready for some fluff!!!! And some very funny scenes I promise!!!!


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