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I felt terrible for what I had done, I had given Arthur his space for almost two hours after the incident. I had grown balls ....but at the wrong time. Ivan was just irritating me so much.

I walked over to Arthur's room and stood outside of it quietly. I lifted my hand to the door and began to knock on it slowly. "What do you want?" I heard his voice say, annoyed. "Can I come in, please?" I asked softly. "Why?" He snapped. "Because I want to apologize to you," I said sadly.

The door suddenly opened, and he stood there angry looking. "Can I come in, please?" I asked. He looked me up and down and allowed me to come into the room. I did so slowly, and he closed the door behind us.

He crossed his arms and sat on his bed, waiting for me to speak. "Listen, I'm sorry..... about what happened. I shouldn't have said that, and I ruined your night. I'm your guest, and I need to respect your house more," I said sadly.

"I'll accept it if you tell me what is going on."
"You heard me... I'm not an idiot; something happened between you two, so you better tell me the truth...." He said seriously.

I couldn't tell him about the messages; that would be bad; I don't know what to do. "I can't...." I whispered. He looked at me, shocked, and stood up. He pulled me to sit down next to him, and he looked at me seriously.

"I knew you'd say that...."
"You did?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah..... you see... Matthew called me about an hour ago and told me what's actually been going on. Well... I kind of forced him to tell me....so I know about the messages...." He said, and my eyes widened.

"What? How does he know?"
"Ivan told him after they left... And you are right, he does have feelings for me, but you shouldn't have done what you did, so I'm still mad at you for that...." He said.

"Wait... You know all of it?"
"As I said, Matthew told me everything... Ivan apologized to me and asked me to meet him somewhere Monday night," he explained.
"Meet you somewhere.....?" I whispered.

He was probably going to confess to him properly. I already knew it ..... I felt myself grow sad at the thought of it. Ivan had threatened me and warned me that he has had his eye on Arthur and that he called dibs.

"Well.... I'm sure we both know what he wants to do.... He didn't say it over the phone..." he started.
"Well... What will you say?" I asked him curiously. He took a deep breath and looked at me for a second. "What do you think I should say?" He asked. Why would he ask me that? I would tell him to say no but... Who am I to try and be greedy and jealous like that?

"I think that you should say how you feel... if you feel the same then go for it... The both of you seem to make each other happy either way... So even if you are on the fence... You should go for it..." I said shaking. It was like I ripped my own heart out and threw it into the trash.

He didn't look at me much after I said that. "Do what I feel I want huh....and how would you feel if I said yes to him?" He asked. I felt myself freeze up. I couldn't tell him that I would be heartbroken... Why would I be?

"I would support you and be happy for you.... I'll always support you no matter what," I started. "Hmmmm .... Well... And if I said no to him?" He asked.

I would ask you to kiss me instead obviously....

"Well, as long as you know what you want, I can't do anything about it," I said sadly... immediately regretting it. Arthur placed a hand on my shoulder, and I looked at him. "Francis.....?" He asked. "Yes?...." I responded.

"You're such an idiot," he began to laugh. I lifted an eyebrow confused and started to laugh as well. "We are both idiots, "I laughed some more.

He meant everything to me, and I would have fought Ivan for him... but who am I to just come suddenly and try and want more than I should have. I stopped laughing and gave him a smile.

I slowly pulled him closer to me and kissed his cheek softly. His skin was so smooth, and he smelled so good. I could feel how he froze up, but I ignored it. "I just want you to be happy, as a good... Friend... obviously," I whispered.

I stood up from the bed and looked at his pink cheeks. "That was just how French people say goodnight... don't think about it so much," I smiled at him. I put my hands into his hair and began to mess it up. "You are very handsome... you can get anyone you want... Remember that," I smiled some more.

I began to leave his room slowly, and I suddenly stopped to look back at him. He had his hand on his cheek, where I kissed him. His hair was messy from me messing it up, and he turned to look at me, shocked. "You should still make that cake tonight," I suggested. "Okay...." he said softly.

I walked out of his room and closed the door behind me. I was trying to keep my cool, but really my heart was going to explode. Seeing him sitting there like that made me feel excited, and I needed to calm myself down. I went to the restroom and splashed some water on my face quickly so he didn't see that I was turning red too.

Arthur...... I wish I could scream your name, but I don't want you to think I am crazy.

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