Romántico sin esperanza

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After dropping off the stuff I bought at the market at home, Francis and I began to head to the art gallery he wanted to see. We both decided that walking wouldn't be so bad, so we decided to walk to the art gallery. On the way over, I remembered what Matthew had told me. "He likes sweets and coffee," his words echoed in my head.

"Are you feeling for a snack before the museum?" I asked. He smiled at me and nodded. "I don't mind paying for both of us," he smiled. I quickly shook my head "no! You are my guest; please let me," I smiled. I knew a perfect place to take him. It had all types of cakes and French desserts. It was just another five minutes away from where we were. The plus was that it was also near the art gallery we were headed to.

"What are you thinking?" Francis asked me. "You will see when we get there," I smiled. We continued to walk beside each other, and I looked over at him secretly. His face was so still and soft, I bet he has soft skin. Francis surprised me with what he said in the market, but at least that means we can relate to each other regarding dating.

I think that since we might become friends due to him being here, we might be able to help each other and give advice. Lord knows I need advice for dating. I can't even ask someone I like out. I don't necessarily have my eye on someone right now, but for reference, it would be good.

We finally arrived at the front of the cafe, and I gestured to him. "This is it" I smiled. He read the sign and noticed it was in French. "It's a French cafe?" He asked shocked. I nodded "yes! They even have workers here that speak French too, maybe you can order for me too. I know I have a little trouble when I come here alone, without Matthew," I laughed hopelessly.

He smiled at me sweetly and nodded in excitement. We both walked into the cafe and took a seat by the window. "They have all kinds of sweets here! So don't be afraid to order; it's on me," I smiled at him.

Seeing him look at the menu excitedly made me feel warm. Matthew said he does like cafes. I'm sure being able to read the menu helped as well.

The waiter came up to us and started to ask questions in French. Francis smiled at this and began to ask him stuff about the menu. I didn't know what they were saying, but I felt so happy watching him. "Do you know what you'd want?" Francis asked me. "You can pick for me, please," I smiled. He nodded at me cheerfully and looked back to the waiter to tell him the items.

The waiter left us, and we began to look at each other. We didn't say anything; we just continued to stare. However, it didn't feel weird or awkward. "Thank you for this," he smiled at me. I felt my heart skip a beat, and I mentally slapped myself in the face because of it. What was wrong with me? I can be freaking out like this.

My lips parted, and it was like I wanted to say what had just happened. I couldn't, though; that would be awkward. Then it hit me......

"For some reason, your smile made me nearly pass away. I wonder if there is a way for you to do it again so I can make sure what I felt was real..... That would just be weird to say," I spoke in English. He looked at me like a lost puppy, and it was adorable.

I placed my chin on the palm of my hand and took a deep breath. "What was that?" He asked me. I smiled and shook my head. "Just thinking out loud," I said. He seemed to accept it, but I'm sure he was suspicious.

"So, Arthur, have you tried dating someone before?" He asked me. I lifted a brow, confused, and slowly shook my head. "Well, it's complicated. I feel like maybe I'm not attractive enough, or maybe my personality is boring... It's hard, especially finding a good guy who doesn't want only sex..... I don't mind it, but it's not the first thing on my mind," I explained.

He nodded at what I said and agreed. "I get that; I've been with lots of men and women-...."

"Well, not lots!!!! Ummm, just a good amount," he corrected nervously. I laughed at him and let him continue. "But it's only sex, and it can get tiring. I want someone to settle down with," he smiled. I nodded in agreement and watched the waiter return to us with our coffee and sweets.

"I completely understand that; maybe one day we will find the one," I smiled. My heart was beating faster and faster. I wanted to hit my head against the table for getting this way. I knew exactly what my body was telling me.

I found that man attractive, and I was starting to catch feelings.

I need to calm down, though! I barely know him! I need more time. Also!! He is leaving for France at the end of the month. No chance will ever happen. It is impossible! So that is why my heart needs to get it together!

"What about Ivan? He seems to like you a lot," Those words snapped me out of it, and I looked at him, shocked. "Noooo!! He is just a friend!" I said quickly. "Hmmm? Well, the body language he gave seemed like he was very interested," he looked at me. I felt like I froze hearing that. Interested? In me? That can't be! We are good friends. "Whatever! You are just messing with me!" I spoke softly.

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