el arte de la seducción

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After yesterday's sudden confession, I decided that maybe getting his attention wouldn't be so bad. I would imagine him fawning over me, and it felt good. I felt like a teenager fantasying about a high school crush. I was beginning to imagine his sweet lips near mine and I was getting carried away in thought. I have only known him for less than 48 hours, yet knowing that there is a chance, made me excited.

Also! I am not some pervert who wants to get some! In fact, I haven't slept with a man in quite a while. I would definitely be top though.....

As he poured me tea into a glass, I began to look him up and down. He definitely gave me twink energy. His face turned to look at me and I suddenly froze. "What are you thinking?" He asked in a suspicious tone.

I stood up quickly and looked him in his eyes, closely. I could see how his face got red from how close I got, but I ignored it. "Arthur! Are you a top or bottom!?" I asked suddenly. His eyes widened, and he pushed me away from him. "THAT'S A VERY PERSONAL QUESTION IDIOT!"He shouted and shoved me away.

I fell to the floor, and he looked at me like he was about to murder me. He was breathing heavily and looked pissed. "Whoa! I was just curious!" I laughed nervously. 

He began to breathe out as if trying to calm down. Arthur then bent down to my level on the floor and began to crawl closer to me. He slowly looked up at me, and I felt my face get red. Why was I getting so anxious about that?

Arthur began to crawl closer, and he managed to get between my legs. I felt a shiver go up my spine and I had no idea what to do. He leaned into me and began to inch toward my ear. He was so close that I could smell him. He smelled fresh, like strawberries almost. What was he using for body wash?

He placed his right hand on the back of my head and began to caress my hair. At the same time, his left hand was placed on my thigh. I was completely surprised by all of this and felt my body melt into the ground. I was focusing on not getting a hard-on.

"I'm a top, isn't that obvious?" He spoke quietly into my ear. His breath against my neck gave me shivers, and I was trying my best to keep it in my pants.

Suddenly it hit me...... he was completely dominating me right now and I was getting turned on by it.


Am I?

Am I into this?

Am I actually a bottom after all?

I could feel him start to push me down more, and I was shaking. I was letting him? Why was I letting him?  He suddenly grabbed onto my hair tightly and started to tug on it. "This is exactly what you wanted, you nasty boy?" He spoke, and my eyes widened. "Arthur, Arthur, Arthur!!!! I just want you to kiss me!"

Suddenly I felt a huge shake, and it was like I was falling off a cliff for a second.

"Wake up!" I heard a shout!

My eyes widened, and I saw Arthur standing above me. He looked at me concerned, and my face turned red. I quickly pulled the blanket over my crotch and turned away from him, And refused to look at him. No way, that was a dream; it felt so real.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously. "Well I heard you call me, so I came in worried. Did you have a nightmare or something?" He asked. I immediately shot up and began to shake my head. I didn't want him to think I was a little kid or something.

The blanket fell from my body, and I stood still in disbelief. He looked me up and down and noticed my......


I wanted to kill myself I really did. "It's a little early for morning wood, huh...." He said, trying not to laugh. I quickly grabbed the blanket and covered myself up. "Next time, let me suffer," I said, annoyed. He nodded and began to laugh. I wanted so badly just to pin him down and see what he thinks is so funny.

He suddenly smirked at me, and I think I actually fell in love. "If you are going to be so excited, can you not say my name? Makes me think you are having a sex dream about me," he laughed. He turned away from me and began to leave the room.

Once he left, I began to hit myself for being such an idiot!! How could I have let that happen?! He probably knows I had a dream about him! It is obvious! Maybe he is an idiot or something and won't put the pieces together? I doubt that a lot, though.

I threw myself into the bed and began to bury my face into the pillow for emotional support. That is it!!! From now on, I am going to keep my mind clean. I won't think about him that way, and I will definitely make sure that he doesn't see me like this ever again.

That smirk!!!

He knew exactly what had happened, and he was pleased to know it! I just know it! That cheeky bastard! How dare he embarrass me!

"You better watch your back, Arthur, because the next time, you are going to be the one that is embarrassed, and I am going to be the one that walks away smirking," I whispered to myself. I began to chuckle at the thought and turned over, shoving my face into my pillow.

That man.....

He is really going to be a pain in my ass for the next four weeks, huh? And crazy enough, I might like that a little too much.

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