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What are they talking about over there? Why was Arthur laughing so much? And why were they so close? Although Matthew was talking to me, I couldn't help but look past him to Arthur. I just met Arthur, it isn't like we are best friends or anything, but seeing him give someone else attention made me jealous. I was his guest, and I wanted all his attention.

The bigger man spoke in English, and I would see him glance at me from time to time. Was he trying to be snarky? No!! I am just overthinking it. "Francis? Hey? Francis? What are you? Oh-..." Matthew started, and I snapped out of it. I looked at him, and he gave me a smirk. "What is that?" I asked, confused.

"Why are you staring at him?" He asked, confused. I tried to look away from him, but it was so hard. "No reason, just curious," I tried to defend. Matthew began to smile at me sweetly, and I lifted a brow at him. "What is that face?" I asked, annoyed. He shrugged and continued to smirk. "Does he know that you like men too?" He asked.

I jumped up from the random question, and I shook my head. "It isn't like that, I swear!" I laughed nervously. He looked at me as if he didn't believe me at all. I wonder if he could tell that I was actually jealous. "Hmmm, has he told you he is gay?" He asked. I nodded my head, and he smiled this weird smile. "What are you thinking of?" I asked, confused.

He shook his head and suspiciously smiled at me. "Arthur may seem to be hard-headed, but deep down he is sweet and is a hopeless romantic. He loves going into bookstores and drinking some coffee. Don't rush him if he can't find a book; he will be sad. Maybe try recommending something? He will read it" he smiled at me. I lifted an eyebrow, confused, but I mentally took note of what he said.

Why would I want to make sure I don't forget those things? I have no reason to do that. I'm such an idiot, I swear. I looked back to Arthur across the room, and I felt my heart beating fast as he smiled at Ivan. Something was wrong with me, and I wasn't getting any better.


"So, this is the marketplace, I just needed a few things, and we can head anywhere you'd like," Arthur smiled at me. I didn't know what I wanted to do. A museum seemed like a good option, though. "How about an art museum?" I asked. "Ahh yeah! We have an art gallery you might like. Lots of sculptures and stuff," he smiled. I nodded at his suggestion and continued to walk behind him.

I'd stop whenever he took out a list to check to see what he needed. He didn't live far from the market we were at so I assumed we'd go back to his place and drop everything off. It would be silly to carry all that stuff. "Do you want anything?" He asked. I shook my head in response. I wasn't really in the middle for anything in particular.

I suddenly heard whispering coming from the right of us, and I looked over curiously. It was a group of girls, and they looked like they were having fun. Suddenly they pointed toward Arthur and urged a girl further. I looked past Arthur to see if maybe they were talking about someone else, but no, it looked like they were pointing at him.

I guess it makes sense for girls to think he was cute. I think they were pointing at him; why wouldn't they? "Hey Arthur, I think some girls are pointing at you, but I do not know what they are saying," I whispered to him. "Hmm? Oh really? I doubt they are talking about me," he started to laugh. "Why are you laughing? Do you want me to scare them off?" I asked, concerned. He looked at me and started to laugh. "That won't be necessary; if they have something to say, you should wait a little bit," he giggled.

I looked at him, confused, and he turned back to his list. This guy was weird, but I guess girls' attention wasn't his idea of cool.

Suddenly, a tap was on my arm, and I turned around quickly. It was one of those girls. They started talking super fast, they were... American! I froze from shock, and they started to ramble in English, and it freaked me out. I looked at Arthur, who had a smirk on his face.

They started asking him, and he answered I was confused about what was happening. Arthur began to look like he was losing his patience talking to them. I wonder what was happening? I guess them coming to me might be why Arthur laughed; they were talking about me the whole time.

Arthur gestured for them to leave, and they looked at him, pissed. "What happened?" I asked, confused. "I told them you didn't speak English after they kept bothering you about not saying anything. They didn't believe me and started to curse me, so I told them to leave," he said, annoyed.

"Hmmm, looks like your plan backfired"
"Huh? How is that? I was just seeing if you'd like the attention of some cute girls," he shrugged. "Ehhhh? I'm not some weirdo! Plus, I don't even like girls that way," I said.

I slowly realized what I said, and now my dreams of not letting him know my sexuality was gone. "Oh? Is that so?" He asked with a smirk. "Hmmm, I'm shocked but not too surprised; you are too perfect to be straight," he spoke.

My eyes widened, and my face felt red "you think I'm perfect?" I asked. He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head "not what I meant, but whatever," he laughed.


Hopefully y'all enjoy ❤️❤️❤️

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