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During breakfast, it was very quiet. Francis didn't really talk much, and I assume it is because he was embarrassed from last night. I should probably start a conversation to break the silence. "So, do you want to go to the market with me later?" I asked. "Yeah, sure, that could be fun. Can we go see some places today?" He asked. "Sure!! There are plenty of things to do in Toronto; they have some museums if you want to check some out?" I suggested. He looked at me and smiled sweetly, Slowly nodding in response.

Although I came out to him yesterday, I didn't find it weird at all. He seemed like the type who wouldn't judge, so I respected that. In this day and age, it is pretty normal to know at least one person who is gay. I've never dated another guy before, but I did have some flings with both girls and guys back in high school.

Hmmm, now that I think about it, I don't think I asked Francis if he had someone special. I am kinda curious about that now. I wonder if maybe he is also......into men?

I looked over at him slowly and watched him as he ate his breakfast. His hair was long and in a bun; he had a fresh-cut face and looked very groomed and perfect. He doesn't really give me those vibes; if he were to like men, I would be a little shocked, honestly. His eyes slowly looked my way, and our eyes met.

"What is it?" He asked, shocked that I was staring. I placed my chin on the palm of my hand and shook my head. "Just wondering what your romantic life is like, I guess," I spoke. His eyes widened, and he quickly looked away from me. "Why would you want to know that?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and tried to look at him "just curious, I guess," I spoke.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and it startled me. I quickly stood up and walked over to the door. I went to open it quickly, and standing outside was Matthew and ...... Ivan? What was he doing here?

"Sorry, I got caught up in work yesterday, and I told Ivan I was visiting you, and he wanted to tag along," Matthew spoke in English. "No problem, you both should come in. We are just eating breakfast," I smiled. I looked at Francis, who was staring at us, confused. He didn't understand anything.

"Ivan wouldn't shut up about seeing you, so naturally, I had to bring him," Matthew laughed. I looked over to Ivan, who had a massive smile on his face. "How have you been?" I asked him.

Matthew walked over to Francis to talk, and I continued my conversation with Ivan. "I've been great!! Working mostly, how are you?" He asked with a smile. "I'm great! It's summer, so there are no teaching duties. Also, I get to hang out with Alfred's friend," I smiled. I pointed to Francis, and Ivan took a quick look. "Wow! Handsome fellow, huh! Try not to fall in love with him," he teased.

I burst out laughing and began to shake my head quickly. "No!!! I wouldn't! He isn't even my type. Also, we have been having to speak to each other in Spanish. Thankfully we both know it," I explained. Ivan nodded interestedly and leaned against the wall. "Well, if you get tired of Spanish and want a conversation in English, just let me know. You can come over whenever you'd like," he smiled.

I nodded appreciatively and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you so much for the concern; I might consider it," I giggled. He smiled at me sweetly and began scratching his head's back. "Is he being nice to you?" He asked, looking at Francis. I nodded my head and smiled. "If he weren't, I would give him a piece of it," I laughed.

We began to walk over to Francis and Matthew, and they stared at us seriously. "What's up?" I asked. "Oh? Nothing haha! We were just talking! It is nice to know the two of you found a way to communicate," Matthew smiled. "I'm just sad that Ivan and I don't understand Spanish, so we can't join in," Matthew spoke, defeated. "No worries! It isn't a big deal," I smiled at Francis.

"Do you have any plans today?" Matthew asked me. "Well, I offered to take him to the market and to see a museum or two," I smiled. Matthew nodded at me, pleased, and began to think. "That sounds like a lot of fun; maybe when Ivan and I are off work, we can join the two of you the next time?" He asked.

"Yes! Of course! The more, the merrier! Plus, maybe one of you could think of something else to do. I am terrible when planning things," I laughed nervously. "Don't worry about that! I am sure he appreciates anything!" Matthew smiled.

"Any tips?" I asked with a nervous smile. Matthew placed a hand on my shoulder and got closer to my ear. "He likes sweets and coffee a lot, so try finding a place you know he would like," he whispered into my ear. I smiled slightly at his words and nodded in response. Ivan and Francis looked at us suspiciously.

Matthew clapped his hands together and smiled "alright, Ivan!!! We should start heading out to work; I wouldn't want to be late," Matthew smiled. He quickly said goodbye to Francis and started to pull Ivan toward the door. "Arthur! Remember what I said!" Ivan spoke allowed. I laughed at him and nodded. "Yes, I know! Goodbye now!" I laughed. I closed the door behind him and looked at Francis, who had a straight face. "Now, let's finish our food so we can go to the market and have lots of fun," I smiled.

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