la biblioteca

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Once Francis and I finished with the museum, I was eager to take him to the library I love. It has a small cafe attached to it, and I spend so much time there.

"This is the place," I spoke. We stood in front of the entrance, and he admired the architecture. "Wow, this place looks great, I think that if you were to visit France, you would love some of the libraries we have," he smiled. He walked in ahead of me and I watched as his hair slowly waved from the breeze. I followed behind him and began to take lead to show him the areas I like to go to.

"There is a section in the back that is very closed off, and I came across it one day," I whispered to him. I began to gesture for him to follow me and I began to inch closer to the back of the library. The area I was talking about was around this corner that led nowhere. The opening had a curtain and a small lamp and a small chair. The space was pretty tiny and could only fit maybe one person. The ceiling was pretty low, so I would usually have to crouch. But luckily, I usually just sit crisscross anyway.

When we finally made it to the area I showed him the corner very proudly. "You are right, this spot is really neat," he smiled. He suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me into the corner, closing the curtain. It was a tight fit now, and I tried my best to crouch down a little. Francis stood over me and was very close. "Oh, I didn't think it would be this small of a fit," he chuckled.

I looked up at him, and our eyes met. I could begin to feel myself sweat, and I did my best to keep myself focused. "Maybe it would be better if I put my hand here," he whispered close to me. He placed his left hand against the wall and his right hand around my waist. "Is this comfortable? We can always leave this space?" He asked kindly.

My eyes widened at the new position, but instead of agreeing to leave, I just shook my head. "No, it's fine," I whispered back to him. I looked over to my right, where his left hand was against the wall, and I got a good look at his arms. They were thin but looked as if he still had some muscle. His arms were really hairy, and it made me wonder if he was like that all over.

"You sure are staring at my arm a little too much," he whispered closer to me. It gave me shivers down my spine. I quickly looked at him, and our faces were super close. I couldn't help but feel my face get hot.

What is wrong with me?! I'm obviously really into this! Damn it, my stupid brain.

Francis grew a sweet smile and tilted his head, looking at me. Some of his hair fell onto his face, and I slowly reached my hand to it to push behind his ear. "I really like your hair," I laughed.

"Why did you have to say that?" He whispered, looking down and away from me. His head was nearly on my chest. "Well, it's true, I like your hair a lot. You should let me braid it one day," I laughed quietly. I could feel him laughing against my chest, and he brought my waist closer.

This is a pretty close position; any couple would have taken the opportunity to kiss each other. Francis pulled me lower and began to put himself higher. "What are you doing?" I asked, confused. My head was nearly all the way back as I tried to look him in the eyes.

He rested his forehead on mine and began to breathe out slowly. "Is it bad that I want to stay like this forever?" He asked me. My eyes widened, and my chest felt tight. He placed his left arm lower for a better grip and moved his right hand from around my waist to my cheek.

"This is a pretty romantic position, huh?" I laughed nervously. There was a part of me that wanted him to smash his lips into mine, but the other part was screaming at me, "hey! He is your guest stop trying to sleep with him," however, I am not actively trying to get some with him. I just think that if it were to happen, I wouldn't be against it. He is a pretty handsome man, and his body looks decent; I don't think he would be terrible.

I mentally slapped myself out of it and continued to look him in the eye. "I guess it is, huh? I like it, though," he whispered in such a sexy voice. My head was going to explode like this, and so was my heart.

As if the gods told me to fuck myself very loudly, I suddenly got a phone call. Francis and I quickly separated, and he nearly hit his head on the ceiling.

I quickly turned off my ringer because it was the library, and I looked to see who was calling me. "Oh..." I said softly. "Who is it?" Francis asked. "It's Ivan? Maybe it's important; let me answer" I answered.

Suddenly his face dropped, and I couldn't understand why. It was almost like he was trying not to make himself look annoyed. His eyebrow was twitching, and he crossed his arms and tried to look away.

I left the area and quietly answered the phone. "Hello?" I whispered.

"Arthur? Where are you?"
"At the library with Francis, why?"
"Ahhh, I was wondering if I could stop by tonight and borrow that one book you told me about."
"Oh! Uhhh yeah, that should be fine, but I'll have to call you back right now; I'm a little preoccupied." I answered.

Once I ended the call, I turned around and saw Francis staring at the ceiling, making the same face as before. "Maybe we should go home," I spoke. He nodded, and his face relaxed. "Yeah, maybe that's for the best," he smiled at me.

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