ver por ti mismo

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"Whatever, you are messing with me," he spoke. It was kind of obvious now that I think about it. Ivan has a thing for him. Even if I don't understand the language, I can tell. "Oh yeah? What were you and he talking about then?" I asked. His face got pink and he closed his eyes slowly, with furrowed brows. "How if I wanted to speak in English for a bit I can come over to his place," he said. My eyes widened, and I started to laugh. "What?" He asked, noticing my face. "That is obvious flirting!" I began to laugh.

I started to eat the crème brûlée that I had ordered, and I watched him with a smile. "How would you know?" He asked, annoyed. "Because I just do! I wouldn't say that to anyone, but he definitely has some interest. Why don't you give him a chance?" I asked. The last part made me feel a little sad saying it. However, it's apparent that we can't have crushes on each other. I might as well help him with his love life. "I wouldn't," He said Seriously. My eyes widened, and I looked at him confused. "Why not?" I asked.

He looked down, and I could see how red his face got "because.... I want someone else to like me," he said softly. Suddenly I felt my heart break, so he did have an eye for someone. "Well, you should still try your best for that person," I explained. His eyes widened, and I smiled at him. "Don't have any regrets in Your life; the worst they can say is no," I smiled. He seemed to lighten up a bit after I said that. He was a really sweet guy, he would make anyone happy.

When we finished our dessert, he paid just like he said. We both left the shop and began to walk in the direction of the art gallery. "Do you like art?" I asked. "Hmmm, yes I think I do. I mostly like paintings from the 1300s or something," he explained. "Ahhh, great choice," I smiled. "And you?" He asked. "Same thing; I think the portraits are very nice" I smiled.

"Here let me pay please," I laughed. I walked up to the ticket booth and began to take out my wallet. I had saved lots of money for this trip, so I was going to spend it.

Suddenly I realized I didn't understand anything that was on the sign or the person. "Do you speak French?" I asked in French. The lady looked at me, clueless. Arthur placed a hand on my shoulder and began to talk to the lady in English. "She says that two adults will be 20 Canadian dollars," he translated. I nodded at this and began to take out the money I had. I gave the lady the money, and in return, she handed us two tickets. "How do you say thank you in English?" I asked Arthur.

"ThAnK yOu," he said in a goofy way.

"Thank you, mademoiselle," I spoke in broken English. Both Arthur and the lady's eyes widened upon hearing my thick accent. She then began to get red and said something. She was obviously giving me goo-goo eyes. "What did she say?" I asked Arthur. "She thinks you're hot basically," Arthur said, trying not to laugh. "What about you? Do you think I'm hot?" I asked, smirking.

He glared at me, and my smirk dropped. "As if anyone would find your English attractive, a preschooler could muster a sentence at least," he said, annoyed. It stabbed my heart, but I think I was attracted to him insulting me.

Am I a masochist?

Am I attracted to this?

I think so...

"Well, don't act like you know a sentence in French."
"True, but I don't really care; maybe if we become really good friends, I'll try and dedicate myself to learning it," he smiled. That's when it hit me "how about I teach you some tonight?" I asked. He lifted a brow at me, and we began to walk into the museum. "Hmmm? How will we do that?" He asked. "Well, I'll just start with the basics; that or you can teach me English; you are a teacher, after all," I spoke.

He smiled at what I said and nodded "How about I teach you some English first?" he smiled. I nodded and agreed "great! I look forward to your first lesson, teacher," I smiled at him.

We began to walk the halls of the art gallery, and we hardly talked the whole time. We would walk beside each other and look at one another when we had finished looking at something. Seeing all the beautiful works of art was nice, especially with someone who didn't complain the whole time or seemed disinterested. Arthur looked like he was enjoying himself, and being here made me feel great.

"We should do something else after this?" I suggested. "Like what?" He asked. "Well, I would like to see a library or check out a bookstore, maybe? Do you have any suggestions for a place?" I asked. His eyes widened, and it was like I saw stars in them. "Yes!!!! I know the perfect place to go!! You will love it for sure!!" He cheered. I took Matthew's advice by suggesting it. He looked so happy about it, too; if I knew he would react like this, I would have wanted to go sooner.

"Great!! We can go right after this!" I smiled. He nodded at me, determined, and looked back to the painting. He had a smile plastered onto his face, and I could tell it was not going away anytime soon. He was so cute like this. I'd go to a million libraries if it meant I could get this reaction every time. I smiled slightly and continued to look at the sculpture we stopped at. I'm so glad I decided to come here.

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