Muy romántico

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"Do you have music to listen to?" Francis asked. "Hmm I do, but I'm not sure if you'd like it...." I laughed nervously. I mostly listen to classical or opera... He is going to make fun of me for sure. "How about you play some of your music if I grab my speaker" I suggested. "Hmmm? I really want to listen to yours, I'm sure it can't be that bad," he smiled. God, he is too sweet for the life of me.

I began to search for my speaker and when I found it and looked at him seriously. "Fine.... But you can make fun of what I put on," I explained. "Yes, sir!!!" He said.

I rolled my eyes and put the first song that came on my Spotify. It was from madame butterfly's vogliatemi bene.... It was an opera piece. He looked a little shocked hearing it but seemed not to care. "Wow this does sound really good," he said impressed. I smiled at what he said and nodded "thank you, I appreciate it," I smiled.

"What time was Matthew getting here?"
"Like another hour... I left the door unlocked so he can just come in without me having to get up," I said, relieved. I was tired of having to open it constantly. "He is about to just get his own key," I added.

We sat beside each other pretty close, and I tried to ignore it. The song changed to a classical piece that I didn't have memorized. It was slow, and I enjoyed it a lot. My hand rested beside him, and I began to slowly inch it closer to him. Not very noticeable, but enough for him to start moving his closer to mine. My heart was racing at this point feeling how his hand began to touch mine.

He began to place his hand onto mine and I slowly flipped mine over to hold his hand. We were holding hands...... it wasn't anything crazy but it was as intimate as we could be. I knew for sure though...

I knew that I had grown feelings for him...

But I also know that the path to that would be too difficult to consider. I should probably say something to break the silence. I took a deep breath and my lips parted.


We said in unison

"Sorry! You go first," he laughed slowly. "Oh! Ummmm nothing really..." I said looking down at his hand holding mine. "What were you going to say?" I asked curiously. He placed his other hand on my cheek and gave me a warm smile. "I was just going to say that I'm really enjoying my stay here..... and that I hope we can be closer," he spoke quietly.

He began to get closer to me, and I felt my hands get sweaty.

Oh no!!!! He is going to feel it!!!

His other hand was still on my cheek, and I felt myself getting closer to him. "Francis..." I whispered as I placed my hand into his hair.


The front door opened and I quickly pulled away from him. I turned away and held onto my face shocked. "No way we got interrupted again," I said in English.

"Hey, guys! I didn't know whether to knock or not, so I just came in, also.... Ivan tagged along", I heard Matthew's voice say. I turned around and looked over to the both of them standing at the doorway.

Ivan's eyes widened, looking at me and he came towards me. "Your face is red. Are you okay?" He asked. My face grew shocked, and I felt his hand touch my forehead for the temperature.

"Huh?.... Oh... No, I guess it just got really hot in here," I said.

"Wow, he is touchy..... I told you he likes you," Francis said to me rolling his eyes.
"What did he say?" Ivan said, looking a little pissed off. I was confused about the energy going on, but there was definitely tension between the two.

"Oh it wasn't anything important," I tried to cover. I laughed nervously and looked at Matthew who also had this concerned look on his face. Francis and Ivan looked at each other, and I could tell Ivan was trying to smile. "Okay, what is happening between the two of you?" I tried to ask.

"Such a jealous boy," Francis said in English, and I felt shaken. His accent was strong, and I looked at Ivan and then at Matthew, who also looked shocked at what he said.

"Did I say it right?" Francis asked me back in Spanish, but I was frozen from looking at how angry Ivan looked.

Ivan suddenly grabbed Francis by his collar, and I stood up quickly to try and separate the two. Matthew pulled Ivan back and I pulled Francis away. "What is going on?" I asked Francis, but he refused to answer. Something happened between the two; I was sure of it.

Ivan calmed down a little and put back on a happy smile that kind of scared me. "Sorry about that; Francis and I are fine; we are just messing around," he said.

"Maybe we should go," Matthew said.
"But you just got here," I said sadly.
"Don't worry, I'll call you and Francis later; Ivan and I were getting dinner anyway," he laughed.

I nodded, and Matthew quickly pulled Ivan out. I'm sure Matthew knows what's up. So why am I in the dark about it?

Once they left, I turned around quickly to look at Francis. I walked over to him and he looked at me, terrified. "Why would you start something like that?" I said, angry. I punched him really hard on the arm, and he began to wince in pain.

"But Arthur-..."
"No!!! You say he likes me? Then okay, he does, but when he is ready to tell me, then he is ready; you don't interfere with that, and if he is jealous, then so what?!!! People get jealous all the time," I said, annoyed.

He looked upset and looked down at his feet. "I expect you to apologize to him and Matthew in person, and I'll be in my room tonight!" I said, annoyed.

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