la gran revelación

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I was watching Arthur set everything up in the backyard, and I was confused because I thought we'd sit in the front, but maybe the back looks way better. As he set everything up and I cut the vegetables for the sandwiches I continued to stare at him. He rolled up his sleeves like a true gentleman and pinned his hair back with a hair clip so he could do some work putting things up. He looked very manly, and it was hot.

Sometimes I would get distracted staring at him and almost cut my finger. When he tried to figure something out, he would put his hand on his hips and step back for a second to think about it. I'm very confused about his sexuality, honestly.

He gardens and reads and seems manly when it comes down to it. Imagining him outside gardening with a gardening hat was cute, but I still wasn't sure. It isn't that I wanted him to be attracted to men, but I was more curious to guess at this point. He might be pan or bi; he definitely likes girls, though.

After finding the speaker, he showed me excitement. "How should I bring these outside?" I asked. Once again..... he placed his hand on his hips to think about it. "I know!!! I have this perfect tray!" He smiled. He bent down to the bottom cabinets, and I couldn't help but look at his butt as he bent down.
"This! Put it on this!" He smiled, showing me. It was just a normal white plate, just longer. I nodded and did what he said. "Let's go outside now," he added. I nodded and began to follow him outside.

I looked at the garden he had in his backyard, and it looked really beautiful. So many flowers and butterflies. I'm hoping that he will come with me to sightsee the city, or maybe we can see another city too? 

I placed the food down, and we both sat down. "I see you like gardening?" I began. He smiled at me softly and nodded his head. "I spend a lot of time alone, so I don't do much," he started. Does this mean he doesn't have a girlfriend?!!! Yes!!! "So you don't have a significant other?" I asked. I stared at him very interested in what he is going to say. "Ahhh no.... Dating anyone makes me nervous. I did have a girlfriend in high school, but ever since then I haven't really tried to put myself out there," he explained.

"Don't get me wrong!!! I will tell someone off, but talking to romantic interests is just hard. I always fumble and never know what to say," he laughed. "What about you?" He asked. I shook my head and began to laugh "no use either, I'm helpless, and I tend to gain crushes on people very easily," I laughed.

During lunch, I learned more about him. How he has brothers, what he does for a living, why he moved to Canada, his friends, and his favorite food and activities. It kind of felt like a....... A date !!!!!

I mean he learned things about me too, but thinking about this being a date made me nervous. My hands began to sweat, and I looked everywhere else but him. I know it isn't a date, but it was kind of nice to think about it that way.


After we finished eating, I helped him clean up. "Well... What else do you want to do today?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders, and I didn't know what to say. "I think I should unpack a little," I suggested. He smiled at me so sweetly and nodded. "Of course, just let me know if you need anything," he smiled.

How is it that he doesn't have anyone? With that smile? I bet girls must fall to their feet. Although his sense of style looks like he just finished playing a crossword puzzle, I find it really cute. "So, Arthur, what is the real reason you do not have a girlfriend?" I asked. He looked at me confused and shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't you kind of ask me this already?"

"Well yeah, but really, tell me."
"Well, I don't know how to say it in Spanish give me a second to think," he spoke, starting to think. I looked at him, interested in what he was going to say. "Well, Matthew knows, and so does Alfred, but I don't think they told you," he started again, trying to think.

"Ummm, in English, it is "gay," he spoke, and I lifted an eyebrow.
"What does that mean in Spanish?" I asked, confused. He scratched his head, and his eyes suddenly lit up as he figured it out. I'm sure the language barrier is hard enough but translating it to make sense in one language so I can understand is stressful.

"HOMOSEXUAL!!!" He spoke.

I nearly froze hearing the word, and I didn't need a Spanish-to-French translation. He is...... he likes.... Men...

"HUHHHHHHHHH?!!!!!" I shouted, shocked. He looked a little worried about my reaction, but I was no one to judge. I mean, I like anyone as long as they are hot, have a great personality, and have a great sense of food taste.

"Is there a problem?" He asked. I shook my head quickly "no!!! It isn't that! I'm shocked; I thought you liked women for a second," I said shockingly. "Yeah, well... I don't date much either; for me, it can be tough to meet someone I like," he breathed out hopelessly.

I had this wave of tingles sweep me up from the floor. I couldn't tell if it was the shocked reaction or happiness that I could sleep with him.

WAIT!!!! I can't just sleep with him!!! I want him to like me and not just use my precious body.

I looked over to Arthur, who was starting to stare off into space. "Hmm, as if you would use me for my body," I spoke in French. He lifted a brow, confused but looked like he was going to leave it alone.

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