es esto un triangulo amoroso

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I hate him; I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

Does he just happen to call about a book? I call bullshit!!! This guy definitely has a thing for Arthur and doesn't bother to give him space while he is with other people. Oh, man!!! I swear! I am going to learn English just so I can insult him and curse at him for ruining our moment.

Then again? Maybe it was best that I didn't do what I wanted to do. It could cause us to have an awkward relationship if Arthur didn't feel the same. Also, I am his guest so it wouldn't have been the best.

On the way home, Arthur and I hardly spoke, but once we arrived, he offered to make me some lunch. "So, what time is Ivan getting here?" I asked. "Hmmm... maybe around twenty o'clock," he explained. That was in another two hours. "Who knows too, he might come a little earlier," he added.

I was sitting at the table going through the English dictionary that Arthur had left for me the other day. A lot of this seems a little easy. Some words are just entirely different, but I'm a pretty smart guy. I doubt I'd be fluent in a month, but if I could understand a little of it and try to say a few words, that wouldn't be so bad.

I was taking notes on essential words I thought I should know. Please, thank you, yes, no, and more. Phrases like good morning, good night, have a great day, and more were also good.

Arthur handed me a cup of tea while I read the dictionary. "I have a couple of small books that you can read and write on to translate," he spoke. I smiled at him and nodded. "That would be great," I smiled. He nodded and went into the other room to grab the books. "These are sort of children's books, but I think you won't mind," he laughed nervously. "This will be just fine, thank you" I answered. He placed the books in front of me and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

After some time, I realized how silent it was, and I looked up from my book and at the time. Thirty minutes had passed. I looked over to Arthur in the kitchen and saw him serving plates. He made fish and chips. I don't think I've ever tried that before. Naturally, I'm a little nervous, but I trust him.

"Here you go," he smiled. He handed me my plate and sat down beside me. He filled my glass with tea and refilled his as well. "I'm not the best cook in the world, but this I can do," he smiled at me so sweetly. Us being like this made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. As if we were a couple who finally had a day off to do whatever.

"Yes, Francis?...."
"If we see each other again after this, I promise you that I will learn English by then," I said seriously. He chuckled at me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't stress about it, but I will try my best to learn French as well," he smiled.

We both began to eat our food and it was actually really good and tasty. "Wow!! This is better than I thought!" I smiled. "Yeah well, keep saying that when you taste my other dishes," he laughed nervously.

The door suddenly had a knock, and it made the both of us jump. "Oh! That's probably Ivan," he smiled. My face immediately dropped, and I felt annoyed. There he goes again! Ruining our time together. He gets him year-round, and I just met him.

Arthur went to open the door and let Ivan in. I didn't know what they were saying, so I tried to look away, but I couldn't help but stare at them talk. Arthur laughing and what I'm assuming is him making jokes. He looked at me seriously and looked to Arthur, who smiled at me and nodded.

I lifted an eyebrow, confused, and watched as he came closer to me. He gave me a friendly smile and waved at me; in return, I did the same. He took his hand out for me to shake, and I slowly did so. I slowly took it, and GODDAM!

HIS GRIP! It was hurting me. I didn't wince in pain, but I felt that shit, and it hurt like hell. He started to shake my hand and continued to grip it hard. As if he was going to break it apart.

He finally let go, and my hand was super red; I was surprised that Arthur didn't see that. Ivan said something to Arthur, and Arthur looked away from him to me and began to speak. However, I didn't hear shit because Ivan was glaring at me!

What is this guy's problem?!!!

"He says it's nice to meet you," Arthur said to me. However, I lifted a brow, confused as to why. He was glaring at me the whole time. "Uhhhh, thanks..." I said slowly. Arthur turned back to him smiling, and his face changed to happy. However, I'm sure he could see how horrified I was.

That was a threat to back off; I just know it. "He wants your number," Arthur spoke. My eyes widened, and I felt terrified. Does this guy want to fight?

"I don't want to," I said to Arthur. Arthur glared at me, and I felt myself sweat. He was going to get me killed. "Ahhh, I was joking; here you go," I said nervously. I quickly wrote it on paper and gave it to Arthur. He then handed it to Ivan, and I was about to call my phone company to tell them to change the number quickly.

Once Ivan left with whatever he needed, Arthur smiled at me, pleased. "Aww, I hope the two of you can be great friends," he cheered.

I doubt that...

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