Estás rompiendo mi corazón

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I thought my head was going to explode from anger. "Why are you defending him?" Ivan asked. "Because you were hurting me and overreacting. When I said that I have feelings for him, you, as a friend, were supposed to accept it.... But you didn't.... You are a really good friend to me, but if this is going to happen whenever I meet a guy, and you are jealous, then we can't be friends," I replied.

He looked sad at what I said and shook his head "please, I'm sorry..." he tried to say. "Look, I'm going home, and if you are ready to have a real conversation about this, then you can come to me, but I won't allow you to be this way with me! Please... for my sake... get your emotions together... and maybe I'll consider forgiving you for what just happened. Also! Don't worry because I'm going to yell at him too!" I snapped.

I looked over to a confused Francis and Matthew trying not to laugh. "Arthur, I'll go with Ivan to the hospital, okay... Don't worry about me, I'll talk to him... just help Francis," Matthew said to me. I took a deep breath and nodded at him. I gestured for Francis to follow me, and he did slowly... like a sad child who just got in trouble.

On the way back to my place, it was silent. He wasn't holding onto any part of his body, so I don't think he has any broken bones or fractures. He did pretty well, honestly, but he pissed me off.

"Sit down," I told him. He did so quickly, and I went through the cabinet to find the first aid kit. I walked back over and placed the kit on the table beside him. I grabbed a wet rag and began to wipe his face. "So... How much of it did you understand?" I asked him.

I put the rag down and began getting some cotton pads and rubbing alcohol. "Ummm, not much... I just saw him holding your hands tightly, and I-...." He grabbed my hands and began to look at how red they were still. I pulled them away from him, and he seemed sad "does it hurt?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head "no... not really anyway... I just have to get you patched up, though. Does anywhere else hurt?"

He shook his head, and I nodded. "This is going to sting a bit," I said, placing the Cotten pad onto his wounds. He winced at the pain but clenched his fists hard. "Well, luckily, you just have scratches... but I'm not happy with you for spying on me," I said, shaking my head. I began to take out bandages so I could put some on him.

"I'd do it again, though.... I don't regret it. You can be mad forever, but it made me angry seeing him hurt you," he said seriously. My face grew soft, and I began to bandage him up. "Huhhhh... I know.... You are seriously stupid," I shook my head. I began to laugh, and he suddenly grabbed onto my wrist.

He looked me in the eyes, and I felt my heart skip a beat. "What did you tell him?" He asked. My face grew red, and I tried to look away from him. "I told the truth.... How I felt.... And it wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear," I spoke. "Because you're in love with someone else?" He asked. I felt myself freeze, and he looked at me seriously.

Is this my chance to confess to him? "Take off your shirt so I can check for wounds... Just in case," I smiled. He nodded at me and smiled back "of course.. ...just in case," he whispered. Francis took off his shirt slowly, and I was right..... he was very hairy... and I liked it a lot.

"Well? Am I right?" He asked. I looked up at him as I checked, and I began to laugh again. "What? What do you want me to say? To tell you who?" I smirked at him. I cupped his cheeks into my hands and looked into his eyes. "Can you sleep with me tonight..... I think I might need it," I spoke softly. His eyes widened, and his head nodded slowly. "Of course... anything for a friend," he said, trying not to smile. I couldn't fully tell if he felt the same, but it was nice to see this new side of him.

Although tonight didn't go as planned, he did protect me, and I think I really appreciate it a lot. "Just so you know, I only sleep in my underwear, so please don't mind me," I added, smiling. His face lit up, and for some reason, I had a feeling that he might know that I had feelings for him. "Me too... So it's all good," he laughed.

I pulled him up and began to pull him to my bedroom... I swear to god!! If he doesn't make a move, I think I'm actually going to give up because that would piss me off a little. Once in the bedroom, I began to take off my clothes, and he stood still, frozen. "Come on!" I urged him. He nodded and quickly began to take off his pants. "Don't forget to turn off the light too!!" I demanded.

I quickly pulled the covers up, and suddenly I felt this weight against me. I turned around quickly and saw that Francis... Fainted??

"Hey! Wake up, you idiot?!!!" I began to slap his face around, and I felt his forehead... he was running hot; I had to take him to the hospital. I felt annoyed and began to shake him. "Are you serious right now? I swear when you wake up, I will murder you and revive you!!! And then murder you again!!!" I shouted.

Why?.... Why me, of all people?

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