el pastel de fresa no es tan dulce como tú

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He doesn't know about the messages between Ivan and me. The threats for no reason and me being so distant for a bit. I just wanted to play my cards safe. The way he spoke made it seem like he was always watching and it kind of scared me. However, I wasn't going to be here for long anyway, so why be here scared? What is he going to do? Threaten me in person? I'll just keep my distance, it's not like he can actually talk to me.

Thank god for google translate!

I don't want to tell Arthur because that's his friend... I'd rather Ivan slip up and show his true colors to him. It doesn't make me any less defensive of Arthur, but I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Me? He'd probably hurt me, but that is very unlikely.

I realized that this morning... As I wiped the dirt off of Arthur's face. His skin was soft and I wanted to plant kisses on him. I wonder how much Arthur would let me get away with when it comes to flirting with him.

"Matthew is coming by today! So that's something to look forward to," Arthur spoke. "Ahhh Matthew is such a sweet guy, I'm glad he helped me out this much," I smiled. He comes by very often to see how we are doing. And he talks to me in French to let my brain rest. I'm not entirely homesick, but I do miss speaking French.

As for English, I've been studying that dictionary, using Duolingo, trying to read books and listening to music a lot!! So that I can have a conversation with him before I leave. I am determined to converse with him in English before I go.

I guess I have a little crush on him, but it can't be more than that. We live in totally different places and there is no way for us to really start a relationship like that. And if it doesn't work out? Moving isn't an option... This really sucks!!!!

If he lived in France and I knew him back then, and he spoke French or even if I spoke English! I would do anything and everything every day just to make him mine. Even then, if it didn't work out, I wouldn't have regrets about not being able to try.

I would not be in this situation if I were to try..... I'd probably get my heart broken from so many differences. There are even times when I want to grab him and kiss him but .... Why? What would that do? I guess we could speak Spanish to each other forever or try to do long-distance..... but I don't think either of us has the money to travel back and forth so often.

Wait..... isn't he from England? That means he has to have family there? I wonder if he would ever go back to Europe.

Arthur was sitting on the sofa reading a French dictionary and highlighting some words. I got closer to him and tried to see what he was highlighting, but he quickly closed the book shut. "What?" He asked, annoyed, and I felt a shiver go down my spine. He was so hot when he got annoyed like that.

"Why did you leave Europe?" I asked. He lifted a brow, and his face softened. "Hmmmmm, well... I have three brothers that I don't get along with... Getting away from them was my real goal, honestly. Being here in Canada, I met Matthew, who is from the United States. However, once he moved here, his brother moved to France which is where the two of you met coincidentally. Meeting him and Alfred is amazing; I wouldn't be sad to go back to Europe and but I would leave Matthew," he said sadly.

"Hmmm? So you have met Alfred?" I asked. He laughed lightly and nodded "yeah! I actually visited last year with Matthew," he said, and my eyes grew shocked. "You visited? When?" I asked, interested. "Ahhhh Ummm it was in the wintertime... Alfred loves Christmas, so Matthew and I surprised him, but that night I was Ill and had to leave the party earlier," he spoke.

That's when it hit me! "The Christmas party! I was late to it last year.... I didn't get there till around twenty-two o'clock," I said slowly. "Wow..... I left an hour before that..... we just missed each other," he said nearly laughing.

I sat down in realization and slowly began to laugh too. "We missed each other by an hour...... we could have met each other last year..." I laughed in realization.

"Now here we are....... Coincidentally.....like we are supposed to meet each other," he laughed softly. I think this just made me actually fall in love with him. "I met Matthew that night, but we were really just strangers who talked for thirty minutes before he left..... Alfred told me so many stories, and I was so excited actually to get to know him out here," I added.

" but.... I guess this just means that maybe our friendship was meant to be.... Maybe that is more than enough to convince me to visit you next year. You can show me places you like too," Arthur suggested. I nodded, agreeing, and sat still with a smile on my face.

"I would love that a lot, and you could stay with me too, you'd love my place.... However, there is only one bedroom, so..... unless you want a hotel, you might have to sleep next to me," I began to laugh. I could see his face turn red, and he looked away. "I'd rather take the sofa," he teased. "How about you take the bed, and I take the sofa," I added. He shrugged his shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "It's fine, as long as I get to be the guest this time and you cook me food."

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