sentimientos verdaderos

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"Why are you dragging me around all day?"
"I know you'd rather be with Arthur but I promise you that in an hour you won't regret coming with me today," Matthew spoke. "You've just been taking me on errands .... Like grocery shopping, we haven't done anything fun," I lifted an eyebrow at him. "Yes, I know that had nothing to do with anything, but still, I dragged you out because I thought maybe the two of us could have our own fun."

"Like what?" I asked, annoyed.
"Like spying on Ivan and Arthur tonight!" My eyes widened, and my headshot towards him. "What? Is that even morally right?" I asked, confused. He shrugged his shoulders and began to laugh. "Who cares? We are about to see a show!! Ivan was all worried before I left, but honestly, I think it should work out just fine," he smiled.

"Okay, so what's the plan then?"
"Well, I know where and when they are meeting, so we can just try and be there before then?" He suggested. "Alright, fine, but if we get caught, I'm blaming you," I laughed.

"Wait! How am I supposed to understand it?" I asked, annoyed. "I'll translate it for you! As quietly as I can," he laughed nervously.

An hour later, we came right when Arthur was there! Great!! "What will we do now?" I asked. I wanted a better view. "No worries! We can just hide in the bush a little farther away," he smiled. We began to walk toward him and decided to crouch down in a nearby bush. Thank god we picked that one because he turned around soon after.

Not soon after, Ivan got there, and they began to talk. "I can't really hear; let's get closer," I whispered to Matthew. He nodded and pointed to a bush closer. We both began to crawl closer and we really did a great job at being quiet. If it were Alfred, he would have made a ton of noise.

Matthew's eyes widened, and I waited for him to translate "He says that he isn't going to go out with him," Matthew and I looked at each other shocked and we continued to watch them. "He said..."It's because of Francis, right?"..that's weird," Matthew whispered to me. Matthew looked over to me shook and I tried to look away but it was like he was saying "Oh I understand everything now," with his eyes.

They continued to talk, and I waited for Matthew to translate. "Arthur said that you didn't convince him but encouraged him? You're such an idiot," Matthew whispered, rolling his eyes. I looked at Matthew, and he was glaring at me very harshly. However, all I could do was smile and shrug nervously.

"Ivan asked If the reason is because of you, and then Arthur said He doesn't think he would like the answer," Matthew explained to me. I feel like maybe I should not be listening to this...

Ivan began to shout nearly, and Matthew looked nervous. "What's going on?" I asked, concerned. "Ummm, maybe we shouldn't be listening to this, actually," Matthew said nervously.

I tried to peek behind the bush, and I could see that Ivan was really holding onto Arthur. I turned to Matthew and looked at him seriously "translate now," I said seriously. He nodded nervously and began to listen again.

Suddenly I heard a word I recognized "fine...." Arthur started slowly.

"Arthur said......" Matthew turned to me as if he didn't want to tell me. "What?" I whispered.

"He said he is in love with you," he said, and my eyes widened. I quickly peeked over, and I saw Ivan's hand gripping Arthur's hand tighter. "Owwwww Ivan, please..... no..... stop..." those were the words I understood, and it made my blood boil. I looked at Matthew, and he looked more nervous.

He looked at me as if telling me not to go over there, but I couldn't help it. I could see Arthur was in pain. Suddenly I felt myself stand up and I quickly ran toward them. I'm such an idiot!

I grabbed Ivan's arms, and I pushed him away as I held onto Arthur. "Hands off," I said in French.... I didn't know how else to communicate.

They both looked at me, shocked, and I could see Ivan's blood boil! Matthew suddenly came out of the bushes, too, and looked at Ivan, shocked. They said something to each other that I couldn't make out, but I could tell he was mad at Matthew for bringing me here.

Ivan stood up, and I pushed Arthur behind me. "Hey! I'm not defenseless, you know! Geez!" He said, annoyed to me. Ivan grabbed me by the collar and punched me in the face!

I was shocked, but I knew what this meant. "Well, at least I wore good pants," I said in French. Matthew laughed at what I said, and I held up my fists ready. Ivan went charging at me, and luckily I dodged it.

He turned around to me, and I finally got a punch in! I felt so great "stop!" Arthur shouted, but I ignored him. Ivan suddenly tried to tackle me to the ground, but when I wouldn't fall, he began to punch my ribs in. I grabbed his head tightly and began to shove my knee into his stomach.

Ivan pushed me away from him and began to punch my face again. This time.... I went to tackle him and managed to trip him onto the ground. I got on top of him and began to punch him, and man, it felt good.

"Stop, Francis!" Arthur yelled to me so loud it nearly busted my ear drum. I stopped punching Ivan, and I could feel my breathing getting heavy. He had blood all over his face, and I was sure I did too.

I got off of him, and Matthew came to see if I was okay. Ivan and Arthur began to shout at each other as Matthew came to look at my cuts. "What are they saying?" I asked. "Well... believe it or not... Arthur is actually defending you..... but I think that maybe we won't be friends anymore," Matthew laughed nervously. "I'm sorry....." I said sadly.

"Don't worry! I understand why you did it, but what is your response to his confession?" Matthew asked me with a smile. "I wouldn't call it that..... but..."


"I think that maybe I feel the same...."

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