el día antes

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The day before my departure seemed sad, but I think it is time to move on. Ivan and Arthur aren't going to be friends anymore, and I feel terrible about that. In the end, I didn't get him, and I will probably never have another chance like this, but it is totally fine. Having sex with him didn't make it any better, though. It was amazing, and I loved every second of it... However, we both agreed to no strings attached, and it has to stay that way. Tomorrow morning Matthew was picking me up to take me to the airport. And so, today was technically my last full day here in Canada.

Arthur and I were sitting beside each other on the sofa, and it was nearly twenty o'clock. He was reading, and I was just sitting here. That's when I remembered that I had been learning English to talk with him for even a little bit.

"Hey, Arthur..." I started in English. It felt uncomfortable to hear myself talk with such a heavy accent. He looked at me, and a small smile emerged from his lips. "Yes, Francis?"

"Nice weather we having?" He began to giggle as I started to talk. "What? I am talking to you in English....right?" I began to laugh. He closed his book and turned to me. "You just missed a word, that's all," he smiled. "You can talk.....in English too," I said slowly. "Oh really?" He said in English. I nodded and felt happy I understood it.

"What do you ....eating...tonight?" He asked.
"Ahhhh!! Dinner? How about....." damn it, what are some foods? "A banana and bread and maybe a chicken?" I tried to say some random stuff. He began to laugh at me, and I felt my cheeks grow hot.

"Is there anything else?" He smiled at me. I nodded at him and got closer to him. This is it... what I want to say in English initially. "Can I have a kiss?" I spoke with a smile. He laughed at how terrible I pronounced it but held onto my cheeks softly. "Do you know what you said?" He asked.

My face softened, and I nodded seriously. "In that case... who am I to deny you one?" He chuckled as he switched back to Spanish. He leaned into me and kissed my lips softly. I closed my eyes and held onto his hand as I kissed him back. When he pulled away, I wanted to keep going, but I knew that I shouldn't.

~~~~~~~~ el día siguiente~~~~~~~~~~

The following day I was up and ready at around six in the morning. I pulled my luggage to the living room and made sure I had everything with me. "If I find any of your things, I'm keeping it," Arthur teased. "Good, something to remember me by," I laughed. Matthew was already on his way, and as time continued to pass, I felt sadder and sadder about leaving.

Arthur and I stood beside each other, and it killed me not to be able to say how I felt...I'm sure he knows, but I want to say it, so he knows I know how he feels as well. "Send me some pictures of France when you get there," he smiled at me. "I can send you more than that if you'd like?" I asked. That came out and seemed sexual, so I immediately tried to laugh it off. "Sorry I didn't mean it like that," I tried to laugh. He laughed with me and shrugged his shoulders "it's okay, I know what you meant to say," he smiled.

We both heard a knock on the door, and our smiles dropped. It was finally time to go. Arthur went to open the door and suddenly stopped to look at me. "Francis.... I really enjoyed having you here," he said softly. "Thank you for having me," I added. He opened the door, and Matthew was standing with a big smile.

"Hello, Francis!" He started in French. "The car is open for you to put your things in," he explained. I nodded and went to quickly put my things away so I can come back to see Arthur one last time.

I walked back up to his house, and Matthew gave me a weird look. "Did you keep my secret?" I asked in French. "Of course I did... But now I have one more," he teased. I rolled my eyes, knowing what he meant. Arthur must have told him... that's the only explanation.

Matthew left us alone, and I quickly pulled Arthur into an embrace. "Be safe, please! And if you need dating advice, don't be afraid to call or text me about it. I have too much free time anyway," I laughed off my sadness.

"Don't call me too early either... Unless you want to listen to me garden and talk about gardening," he smiled. "I think that would be a great way to spend my afternoon," I laughed. We both pulled away from each other, and I began to lean in closer. I kissed his forehead and grabbed his hand .... Kissing the back of it softly. "Goodbye, Arthur," I spoke in English. "Au revoir... Francis," he smiled.

I turned away from him, and he watched me walk towards the car and get in. "So.... Did you finally confess?" Matthew asked. I turned to wave at Arthur through the window, and I began to shake my head. "Not a chance... I couldn't do it...." I laughed. He began to drive, and I saw Arthur slowly walk back into his house. "Please go back later and check on him," I asked. He nodded at my request and began to smile. "He definitely confessed, huh?" I asked.

Matthew began to laugh and slowly nodded. "Of course..... tried to ask if you felt the same way," he laughed. I lifted an eyebrow confused "And what did you say?" I asked shocked. "I told him you did!" He laughed at me. My face turned red, and I felt shocked. He knew the whole time while I told him goodbye.. .....

I was going to kill Matthew!

Thank you for reading!!!! I plan to make more this summer so stay tuned because I have another book coming soon!!!

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