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"Beau," the man spoke. I lifted an eyebrow confused at what he said and I looked to Matthew to translate. However, when I did, he looked utterly horrified. "Please come in," I smiled. I moved out of the way for them and they both came in slowly. They placed the bags by the door, and they both looked around "you added sticky notes?" Mathew asked. I nodded and he smiled sweetly.

"Alright! Arthur this is Francis," Matthew began and said the other half in French. I held my hand out for Francis, and he smiled while shaking it. He tapped on Matthew and began to say stuff to him. "He asked if you put the sticky notes for him," Matthew smiled. I nodded in response. "Anything you need just let me know, and I will do my best to understand. And I can show you to your room," I smiled at him. Matthew translated, and I began to show him to the room. He looked excited about everything, and that made me happy.

He picked up the French-to-English dictionary I left for him, and he began to go through it with a smile. "Any last-minute translation you need me to do? I have work later, but I can stop by afterward" Matthew spoke. "I'm good for now, I think," I smiled. He looked over to Francis and asked the same thing I think. Francis answered him, and Matthew responded, and then finally they both looked at me. When they stared at me it made me nervous, but Matthew then asked "He wants to know what's for lunch, if there isn't anything planned he wants to cook," I nodded at what he said and smiled "Yeah he can cook," I responded.

Once he finished talking to Francis, Matthew began to leave and said he would be back tonight after he gets out of work.

Once he walked out, and I closed the door I turned around and saw Francis sitting on the sofa awkwardly.  I quickly walked to the table and grabbed the piece of paper I prepared.

"I will show you around," I said in French, hopefully. He stood up and nodded, and I think that means he understood. I pointed to the sticky notes and began to show him what each was and where everything was. He was smiling at me and began to look through the dictionary I gave him. "Language, speak?" He said, confused.

He was trying to ask me something. Hmmm, how else can we communicate better? "I GOT IT!!" I cheered. I pulled him to the table and took out the pen and paper. I urged him to draw on it. Maybe that would help. He began to draw a stick figure, and he began to get frustrated.

Francis took out his phone and began to type angry, sort of. He held the phone to me, and the lady began to speak. "How many languages do you know?" I smiled excitedly and took out my phone. I quickly typed on it and held it out for him to listen to "I know English and Spanish; what about you?" I asked in a way.

His eyes widened, and he got excited!!! "I know Spanish too! My sister lives in Spain!" He spoke in Spanish. I was shocked because now I knew what he was saying. "So we can talk to each other!!!" I cheered. "I don't mind speaking some Spanish, but I should still try to learn English," he laughed nervously. "I should try to learn French too; how about we slowly learn from each other, that wouldn't hurt," I smiled.

So now we have begun to talk to each other in Spanish. It was very nice and we actually learned a lot about each other. Francis had this refreshing aura to him. He was stylish and kept his hair in a high bun. He was slightly taller but not that noticeable; we might as well be the same height. He looked like a French person, like the first thing that would pop up on google would be him when searching French.

I've never really been one to "check out" someone; I hardly go on dates, let alone have intimate relationships. I'd rather garden, I guess, or be alone most of the time. I have no idea why I'm thinking about this now, but he just seems like he is in a different field than I am. As if he lives his life to the fullest.

"Arthur, can we eat in your garden?" He asked, continuing to speak Spanish. "Yeah! What were you thinking of eating? While you cook, I can set stuff up outside. I have this net thing that I've been wanting to try," I laughed a bit. He smiled at me and nodded "how about some simple sandwiches?" He asked. I nodded and replied, "how about some tea? And I can cut some slices of cake?" I suggested. Suddenly I stopped, and I began to think about what I had said.

That doesn't sound very manly. Tea? Cake? I don't want him to get uncomfortable and think that I'm being fruity. "THAT SOUNDS GREAT! I'll make the sandwiches," he smiled. I nodded and told him I was going to be outside setting up the table. I had this small table in the backyard of the house, so we could definitely sit there.

I grabbed the net I was talking about and began pining it up. Once I finished pinning up the net (which didn't take long), I went inside to grab the cups and plates, as well as utensils for the cake.

I placed the cake and the tea on a small wheel-able tray table that I got from a secondhand store. I walked back inside to see how the sandwiches were coming out, and they were definitely looking great. "Would you like to listen to music outside? I have a speaker that can play music," I smiled.

He nodded at me and quickly walked to my room to find the speaker. I was excited about the sandwiches.

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