la sensación de éxtasis

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It's been two days since Francis and I had sex, and the tension has been high. It was amazing.... Really amazing.... However, I really got it bad. These feelings aren't going away anytime soon. Also, when I say tension, I mean lots and lots of sexual tension. I still can't believe I agreed to do it, but I thought maybe if I did it once and got a taste, I would be able to move on more quickly.

"Hey Arthur, you know how you said you wanted to braid my hair? Do you think you can do it?" Francis asked. I turned around slowly with my tea in hand and saw that he was shirtless and his hair was wet; he had just got out of the shower. I stood frozen, and I couldn't help but check him out. "Yeah, sure," I said quietly. He gave me a smirk, and I knew he did that on purpose.

"Hmm?" He said, confused, and walked over to me. "What is it?" I asked, looking away from him. He looked me in the eyes and smiled in such a sexy way. "Oh, nothing; I just needed a closer look," he said quietly. "At what?" I asked. He smiled at me and caressed my cheek softly "you know," he laughed.

I did not know!

He is leaving soon!! I can not get caught up in this silly romance stuff!! "Hey, Arthur?" He called to me. "What?" I asked. "Have you ever considered moving back to Europe at all?" He asked. My eyes widened, and he didn't look at me once. "I haven't really thought about it, really... as I mentioned before.... Honestly, if Matthew wanted to go, then I'd be more willing to," I tried to explain. Moving would be such a long process. It took me nearly two years to get settled. But Matthew has Alfred to help if he ever considers it. Well, I have my brothers, and I would have Alfred, Matthew....and Francis.

"If I did consider going back... It would be such a long thing to go through..... moving everything... Leaving everything..... my garden, I guess I would be a little sad," I said. If I asked him if he'd consider moving here, it would definitely sound like I wanted him to stay with me. Which, I do... but he can't know that. "I understand that... I wouldn't want to leave Alfred...and I have a sister back home..... I guess it is very hard," he laughed sadly.

Our friendship was meant to be... But loving each other deeply? It was like the universe was telling us no. "No worries though, we can always talk," he smiled. He held up his phone and handed it to me. "I don't think we've actually given our numbers to each other," he laughed lightly.

"I'm going to get dressed, but you should put your number into it," he suggested. I nodded at what he said and watched as he walked away. I opened his phone up and saw all the apps he had, and I was curious to see his pictures. It was wrong, but I did it anyway.

I looked through his photos and saw a bunch from here in Canada. The further I scrolled the more I saw of him from his life back in France. His sister, Alfred. Other friends and memories he experienced out there. Who am I to be in the way of that? I closed the gallery and went to contacts to add my number. I clicked on add a photo, and I took a picture of myself quickly doing the worst smile I could think of. However, I think he would like it either way.

I closed his phone and placed it on the countertop. And saw as he came fully dressed back into the living room. "You ready to braid my hair?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, and began to walk toward the sofa. Just sit on the floor between my legs, and I will handle everything. He gave me some hair ties and did just as I said.

I began to comb my hands through his hair and enjoy the feeling of this. "Francis?" I started. "Yes?" He answered. "I'm going to miss you a lot," I spoke softly. I began to part his hair and begin to braid it. "I know... me too, I've had such a great time... We have to see each other again one day," he answered. "Of course! Next summer I can visit you in France as I said before," I smiled.

"Such a long time away, is there a way you can come sooner?" He asked sweetly. He began to play with the socks I was wearing, and I breathed out deeply. "Like the wintertime? During Christmas?" I asked. "Yes!! That would be perfect, plus I can get you a gift," he cheered. "A gift? Do you even know what I like?" I asked. "Yes!! You like reading and needlepoint, you love gardening and baking, and you also like the color green," he cheered.

"Green? What makes you think that?" I asked, laughing. It was my favorite color, but I had never told him that. "You have a lot of green everywhere," he laughed. I looked around, and I finally noticed that I did have a lot of green. "Oh.... You are right," I laughed.

I smiled at all the random things he remembered about me. And continued to braid his hair. "You are so weird," I said, whispering into his ear. I could feel his grip on my foot tighten and see how he moved slightly from shivers down his spine. I could be with him every day of my life and not get tired of him. I wish we had more time together, but..... that can't happen at all.

My sweet Francis, why did you make me catch feelings for you? I hate you so so damn much.

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