Chapter 3 - Visitor

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MC wakes up on a Saturday morning and slips into some home clothes after taking a short shower. He opens his phone, and he finds a message from his most recent friend Isekai. He opens the app and reads the message.

"Hey there! Wanna go out for a bit? There's a new bakery place that opened not far from here. Wanna head there with me?" it read. He sighs and accepts, thinking that he has nothing better to do today. "Should I bring Sayori?" he asked. Isekai put up a thumb emoji, and says that he'll meet them for lunch. MC chuckles and carries his phone with him as he goes downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Ah. Mom and Dad aren't home," MC mutters, shrugging. He pulls a frying pan out and gets a grater, cheese, and some eggs. He gets another pan for making himself some garlic rice, pulling out some onions, garlic and a knife. He cuts up the onions while trying not to cry, and the garlic comes next. He starts by whisking the eggs, then pouring them down onto the pan as he starts grating the cheese.

While the egg's being cooked up, he immediately starts with the garlic rice. In not long, he has his breakfast. "Itadakimasu~" he chants, biting into his food. When he is halfway through eating, he hears a knock on his door. He answers it, and he is greeted by a person wearing a black and orange jacket, black slacks, and a black and orange mask. "Have you seen this girl?" the person asks, holding up a picture of a girl with long coral brown hair and emerald green eyes. MC shakes his head.

"Sorry to take your time," the person apologizes, leaving the residence. After he closes the door, he finishes his food before another person knocks on the door. He opens it, and he's greeted by Sayori. "Ah, hey! So you got my message?" he asks. The girl nods, and enters. "Earlier, another person knocked on my door," he says to her. Sayori looks at him in confusion.

"Ehh? Who was it?" she asks, munching on her bread. "A guy with a mask stopped by and asked me if I've seen a girl with coral brown hair and green eyes. I think I remember seeing her back at school in Monday," MC answers, fearing that his high school life may become extremely abnormal.

"I feel like I recognize those clothes. Black mask, black and orange jacket, had a logo of an orange X on it, too. Longshot, but I think they're the same people who killed my dad," Sayori said, her head hung. "Mizuki-san has superhuman abilities, right? Maybe we can ask him for help, try to find who the assassin is, and get him to name the organization that paid him to do this," MC suggested, putting a finger up. Sayori nods, and they decide to get it off them for a while.

They spend some time with each other for a while, just playing video games until 11 AM. Almost every time, MC would win. "Well, it's 11. Let's start walking there," he suggests, standing up as he throws his bag over him. Sayori nods and walks beside him.

As they walk towards the mall, they discuss what his abilities might be. "I mean, even if he were that strong, I don't think he can immediately calculate the location of this organization's base, right?" Sayori says, thinking that he has limits. "He obviously does have a limit, but I don't think he doesn't have anything that involves perceptiveness," he replies, suggesting that he might have surveillance-related powers.

"Well, in any case, we have to examine him, see what he can do with those rumored superhuman traits of his," Sayori says to him, taking her childhood friend's hand. "I hope you do know that we're at the age in life where we'd usually date a person, right?" he says, feeling anxious about people getting the wrong idea.

"Aw, getting a little self-conscious there? Hehe~" she replies, snuggling up to MC's arm. He just sighs and lets her do as she wishes. "Anyway, back to Mizuki-san. We only know one of his powers, assuming he has multiple, and that's manipulating the terrain beneath him. I'm not sure if he can make that lethal, though," MC says, reviewing what he's seen.

"Personally, I think only he could bring down the organization," Sayori comments. She lifts herself off of her friend's arm and lets go of his hand. "Anyway, if we're gonna bank this entire thing on his physical ability, or whatever other things he may have, we have to be able to gauge his proficiency and power. For all we know, they could have weapons past our civilizational level!" MC replies, trying to consider any potential drawbacks, given that they really ARE banking it on Isekai.

Sayori sighs. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. More importantly, we're gonna have to look for this "Monika" person. But before that, we need to know what she looks like. I mean, while it's possible that the coral brown-haired and emerald-eyed girl would probably be her, it's entirely possible that whoever this person's after has the same kind of description, but they can also be an entirely different person," he tells her, putting a hand on his chin.

"Hmm, while that sounds unlikely, I think you might be right. Before we can do any of that, though, we're going to need Mizuki-san's help. If these people can kill the person who trained me with little to no difficulty, then I'm clearly no match for them," Sayori suggests, raising a finger. MC looks at her, confused. "Wait, but I thought you were self-taught?" he asks.

"Oh, my martial arts was self-taught after my father was killed. He's the one who created, cultivated, and trained my skills," she replies, crossing her arms. "Enough about that, though. Point is, we can't get anywhere without his help," Sayori says, looking at MC. "I don't like admitting it, but you're right," he responds, defeated.

"We're close already," Sayori tells MC, tugging on his sleeve. "Ah. Well, I'll contact Mizuki-san, ask him where the bakery is," he says, pulling out his smartphone.

To be continued...

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