Chapter 10 - Interrogation

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The principal pointed at the president of the Board Game Club, and interrogated him. He asked where she was at the time. "I left the club room shortly after showing those who joined around the place. I had a funeral set for 6 PM, so I had to go home and get changed. I left everything to my Vice President," she told the principal, pointing a finger at the Vice President of the Board Game Club.

The principal then looks to his right, where he saw a boy with blond tips. "You. What were you doing?" he asks. "I spent the entirety of our club hours playing Gungi, Sugoroku and Chess, sir," the boy said to the principal, his head lowered. "I was paying attention to every member and what they did, and no one, excluding our President, left the room," he continues, finishing his sentence.

Knowing that it'll be impossible to pry it out of them, given that they probably didn't do it, the principal moves on to the Art Club. "Now you, mister?" he asks, looking at their President, who wore a beret. "I could confirm that the first two on my left are clean. They helped me move the art materials the entire time," he says to the principal.

"We confirm that, and the one on our President's right is also safe, since they left the school to buy paintbrushes," a member says, pointing to the one closest on their President's right. The other members of the Art Club said they immediately headed home, and that they'd start the first meeting today due to being unable to prepare yesterday. The principal thinks about it for a while, and remembers watching the three carrying the paint materials to their clubroom.

"Art Club students, you may leave. I was a personal witness to the paint-carrying thing. You are no longer suspected. Please see yourselves out," the principal says to them, pointing towards the auditorium's door. The members of the Art Club stand up and leave the room, and shut the door behind them.

"Next, the Anime Club. What do you all have to say for yourselves?" he asks, trying to scare them into admitting it. "We haven't done anything. We're all big otakus, so we spent the entire time watching anime with the lights off," their President tells him, crossing his arms, not to show his pride, but to assure his friends that they have nothing to fear.

"See yourselves out the door. Clearly, your words are truthful," the principal says. The students of the Anime Club got up and left the auditorium one by one. The next people he interrogated were from the Sports Club. "Where have you been, jocks?" he asks them. Their President, a petite, slim girl, raised her hand. "Yes, ma'am?"

"We've been outside playing soccer the entire time. No one left the field at all," she says to the principal. He asks for proof that they were at the soccer field to begin with, and the Vice President points towards the soccer field, where there were a bunch of trampled grass patches. He knew that it could only be done by them.

"Very well. See yourselves out, please," he says to them, pointing towards the auditorium doors. The members of the Sports Club left the room, and it didn't take long for the Chemistry and Horror Movie Clubs to prove themselves innocent. "And now, for the Literature Club. What have you been doing yesterday?" he asks them, turning to Monika.

"E-er, I've been setting up the clubroom, since I'd forgotten yesterday morning," she says to him. The principal sighs and turns to the others. "And where were you while she was doing that?" he asks them, trying to pry it out. Isekai puts an elbow on the table with one hand carrying his chin. "Waiting outside. She took quite a while."

The principal decides to talk to them more. "What were you doing that afternoon?" he asks them. "We just sat down and read books silently. We did hear loud footsteps earlier, but when Mizuki-san peered into the hallway, he found nothing," Masahiro explained, crossing his arms. "Okay, but why didn't you investigate?" the principal then questions, feeling like he has something on them.

"Because we thought it was just some students running around! What more do you want from us?" Natsuki replied, becoming impatient with him. The principal then asked if they saw anyone go to the janitor's closet yesterday. Masahiro almost froze, but he kept himself in the zone and shook his head. Every other member of the Literature Club also denied it.

The principal was staring at Masahiro in suspicion, but knows that he can't simply pry any big answers out of him. "More importantly though is their President..." he thought, shifting his gaze to Monika. He clears his throat, and decides to stop this investigation for now. "Very well then, you all had alibis. Without any solid evidence, I can't say that anyone fits the bill to the crime. Dismissed," he says to them, pointing them to the auditorium door.

On their way out, when no one was nearby, Isekai leaned over to whisper a question in Masahiro's ear. "MC, you didn't stir up the principal, did you?" he asks. The student sighs. "I did. I made a loud noise trying to close the janitor's closet, but I escaped using the vents," he told Isekai, pointing at the vent he escaped through.

"Good thing you did. We would have immediately been busted," he comments, crossing his arms. Everyone goes back to class, and the rest of the day progresses like normal.

To be continued...

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