Chapter 14 - Picnic

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Today was a Saturday, and what to do but have a get-together to know one another a little better? Monika had created a group chat for those in the Literature Club. And of course, she was the first to text.

Group Chat - The Literature Club

Mqnika (Monika)
"Hello, everyone! Sorry for the sudden announcement, but what say we have a little picnic at the park one or two blocks away from school at 11? I kind of want to get to know you all a little better. Bring food if you can!"

ChiHir0 (Masahiro)
"yeah sure, i have nothing better to do anyway"

donttouchmycupcakes (Natsuki)
"k, i'll bring some treats or something"

Bookworm (Yuri)
"Er... okay, I'll be there..."

dw33b (Mitsuki)
"alright, i'll be there :D"

killyourselfrightnow (Isekai)
"I'll be there, just lemme make some food..."

C00K1EEEES (Sayori)
"looking forward to it! :)"

"You're just gonna be here for the food, ain'tcha?"

"n-no, im part of the literature club, i gotta be there bcuz i'm a member"

"yeah, sure..."

"u both are meanies! >:("

"Well, if we have no questions, I'll see you all there!"

Following the texts on the group chat, Masahiro stood up and slipped into some outing clothes, met with Sayori a few minutes after having a brief breakfast, then went on to grab Isekai. "Oh, hey, you two!" he calls out, already sitting down on his motorcycle. "Ehh?! Take me with you!" she requests, running up to him.

"What about MC?" Isekai asks. "Eh, you two go ahead. I have a quick errand to run at the convenience store a block away anyway," he tells them, fanning his hand. As Sayori waves at Masahiro while being driven away, he slips his hands into his pockets and walks to a convenience store.

At the convenience store...

When Masahiro arrives, he immediately picks up four rolls of toilet paper and a protein bar. As he places them down onto the counter to pay for them, he hears someone talking over the phone. He can't help but overhear. "We lost all of them? They're barely a bunch of normal people, you can't be serious!" a man yells. "What do you mean?! By who?! Uh-huh... yeah... oh, because they came earlier than intended? Oh, alright then. Well, remember, they were ready for the end anyway," he said, ending the call as he slips the phone back into his pocket.

"...I'm sensing something horrible here..." Masahiro thought, giving some money to the clerk. He carried the bag out with him, returned home to drop off the items, grabbed a basket, wrapped it in cloth, and went to the garage to get his bike. He hops onto the seat, and rides off to the spot.

In five minutes...

Masahiro arrived at the park, wrapped basket in hand, with Natsuki coincidentally following behind him. He parks his bike and walked forward and waved at the others. Everyone noticed him, and waved back.

He and Natsuki settled down, then everyone pulled out what kinds of food they brought. Natsuki, as she mentioned, baked some delicious cupcakes. They had multiple kinds of batter with different kinds of frosting and decorations. Isekai brought a big box of cookies, and not surprisingly, he restrained Sayori by taping up her arms and legs. Yuri brought a small duffel bag with a tea set inside it.

Mitsuki didn't bring anything, as she was in a rush to get here. Masahiro and Monika just brought simple picnic baskets with things like sandwiches and fruits inside it. Alongside that, Sayori carried corndogs with her, which she surprisingly ate none of.

"I wanted to bring you all together to discuss what happened a few days ago. I know it's only the first few weeks of class, yet something bad has already happened," Monika explains, turning to Masahiro. "Chiyoko-san, the principal looked at you in suspicion. Did you... somehow make him notice you?" she asks.

"Yes. When I grabbed the bleach we used to clean up the blood and everything, the door creaked really loud, so I shut the door and made a beeline for a hiding spot. I think I would've been found out if there wasn't a vent next to me," he replies, crossing his arms. "Okay, okay, and... Isekai, how do you know how to drive?" Monika continues.

"I ain't answering that," he replies, shrugging. She sighs, and decides to take everyone's minds off the topic. "Anyway, let's eat! We didn't bring our food here for nothing," Monika suggests, pulling out a corndog, then eating it. Everyone picks out some food to eat. Everyone chatted with each other, played a few games, ate food, and had a merry time overall.

Suddenly, Natsuki asks Masahiro a question. "What do you usually do for fun? You seem like the kind of guy who would be really apathetic and brutally honest, but you're a totally different person than what I envisioned," she asks. Suddenly, the world turns gray and freezes again, at least, from Isekai's point of view.

"Wait, the fuck?" he questions internally, trying to move. "Fucking... MOVE!" he angrily continued, slightly creaking. Suddenly, the world starts to move again. "What's going on...?" he mouths silently. Masahiro then answers the question. "I usually play games. Biggest hobby of mine," he says.

"Coming from an honors student like you, I didn't think games would be your biggest hobby," Natsuki replies, crossing her arms. "I could have sworn time just stopped. Why is everyone acting like this is normal?!" he questions, confused and slightly scared. He shrugs it off for now, still wary of it, and goes on with his day.

Monika clears her throat, and suggests spending the rest of the day playing bowling. Everyone agrees to it, and they sign up for a seven-player game. "I'll take the first roll!" Mitsuki says, taking a ball to roll down the alley.

To be continued...

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