Chapter 7 - The Literature Club (!)

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In the afternoon of the day following the moment that Masahiro and the others met Yuri...

Classes were finished for the day, so the group of four took a good look at the updated map and found the room where the Literature Club meetings are held. They walked to that area, and saw two other girls standing at the entrance door. One had pastel pink hair, and the other was Yuri.

"Are you two here for the club meetings as well?" Isekai asks, crossing his arms. "Yeah. It's been five minutes now, where is our president?" the pink-haired girl replies. "Shuuchaku-san, how long have you been standing here for?" Mitsuki asks her. Yuri thinks about it for a moment. "Roughly ten minutes now. Nearly five minutes earlier, the club president came rushing in to prepare for the arrival of the other members, but she still hadn't finished yet. Did a problem come up?" Yuri answers, thinking about it.

Three more minutes pass, and the pink-haired girl starts getting irritated. "Come on! Where is-" she yells out as the club room door opens. The club president comes crashing through it. "Agh! I'm so sorry for keeping you all out here! Come in," she apologizes, telling them to come inside the room. They enter, and they're greeted by what literally looks like a basic classroom if not for all the bookshelves aligned with different types of reads that could be eye candy for anyone.

"Okay, everyone!" the girl calls out. They all turn their heads toward her. "So, quick introductions. I'm the Literature Club founder and president, Sousasuru Monika of Class 1-2," she states, quickly introducing herself as she bows down. "And, er, the rest of you?" she requests, a pint of exhaustion on her face. Yuri decides to go first. "Ahm... m-my name's S-Shuuchaku Yuri of Class 1-2... er... it's nice to meet you all..." she nervously introduces herself. Isekai clears his throat.

Sousasuru Monika (A female student of Class 1-2 in XX Private High School. She has coral-brown hair and shining green eyes. According to student records, she was the idol and star student of her school in junior high, having perfected nearly every subject. Her description matches that of the target in the enemy organization's photo.)

"I'm Mizuki Isekai. Class 1-3. It's great to meet you all," he says, coughing before he slips his hands into his pockets. Masahiro decides to go next. "From Class 1-3, I'm Chiyoko Masahiro. But, er, you can just call me MC, if you want. It's a pleasure to meet you," he states, a warm smile on his face. Sayori then goes next.

"Hiatari Sayori of Class 1-3. It's great to meet you all! I hope we can get along," she cheerily introduces herself, bowing down. "Hanae Mitsuki of Class 1-1. Thank you for taking me in," Mitsuki gratuitously introduces herself. The pink-haired girl sighs. "Oka~y, guess I'm last. I'm Tsunde Natsuki of Class 1-1. It's nice to meet you all," she states, introducing herself as Natsuki.

"So, if that's all of you, er, why don't we have a talk about what we do here in the club?" Monika suggests, gesturing to the desks. They all sit down as Monika begins to show them around the place. "So, here in the Literature Club, we like to read a lot of different kinds of books. Novels, comics, manga, whatever it is you like! We're not very popular, since not a lot of people like reading books, but I'm glad you took this chance!" she explains, gleefully putting her hands together as she shows a radiant smile that captivates everyone apart from Isekai.

"So, for today, you can pick out a book from the wide selection we have over here! My deepest apologies to those who were looking for manga, but setting this up was kind of last-minute. I'll bring a bag of it tomorrow, and I'll have one of you help me shelve them," she apologetically tells them, scratching her head.

Natsuki, looking disappointed at the notice, shrugged it off and picked out a romance novel to read, while Yuri plucked a book called "Portrait of Markov II: Secret of the Eye." She had a big smile, and anyone within three meters of her could hear her say "I've never read the second book yet. Hopefully this one's a page-turner like the first...!" as she went back to her seat.

Sayori, Masahiro, and Isekai sit next to each other to discuss what to do next. "What now, MC?" Sayori asks, not sure what to do next. "All we need now is to convince Monika that we're trying to help her. I doubt that she doesn't already know of the organization that is attempting to attack her. After that, we can try to have Shuuchaku-san and Tsunde-san join us," he states, folding his arms.

"Good plan, definitely. But how are they gonna help us? I doubt any of them have fighting experience, unlike Hiatari-chan and I," Isekai asks, concerning himself with their battle potential. "You can train them, can't you?" MC replies, sure that he can pull it off. "Well... I technically can, but it's gonna take a lot of time and effort," he says to him, crossing his arms.

"I'm gonna have to train all six of you, and it's gonna take a lot of time," Isekai continues, putting a finger up. MC sighs. "We'll have to go through with training. There's clearly no other way since we have to be able to fight them ourselves whenever you're not here," he resignedly tells them.

Isekai sighs and puts two fingers on his nostrils. "Alright, fine. But this will take a while. We can hold out on the training until we have the information we need. We need to have data on the organization so that we can try to take them down," he says to them, flipping to the next page of his book.

"He's right, you know?" Sayori says, agreeing. Suddenly, a group of people break down the door. "EH?" they all question, realizing that people wearing black and orange jackets are there. "HAND HER OVER!" they demand. "God damn it, already?!" Isekai groans, picking up his chair and immediately throwing it at one of them.

He leaps forward, knocks out the second with a punch, and immediately ties the third one in purple chains. "We're taking this one for interrogation," he says to Masahiro and Sayori, kicking him into the clubroom. "You DO have superhuman abilities!" Sayori comments, shocked.

As Isekai thought about what to do with the one he knocked out cold, the one who he threw the chair at stood up. "WE WILL SUCCEED!" he yelled out, taking the chair in an attempt to bash Isekai's head. "Shit, I can't just knock him comatose anymore, my arm will be too slow...!" he thought, going for a brutal and instantaneous arm swing that burst his head open, leaving flesh and blood and skull fragments strewn across the wall. He puts a hand on his face as he sighs. "I never planned on taking even one life while I was here..." he thought.

"M-MIZUKI-KUN, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" Sayori questions with the word "fear" written all over her expression. The girls were screaming in panic. "EVERYONE, SHUT UP! We don't need anyone hearing us and finding out about this," he yells, turning behind him. His blazer's right sleeve was soaked in blood. "Clean up the corpse, we're throwing it out. I have gloves. Don't leave any trace of your DNA," he tells them, tossing a bag of gloves. "I'll deal with the blood. Clean off the corpse already, and put any missing parts in small plastic bags," he says to them, pulling a mop out of the closet.

The girls, in a state of panic, hurriedly haul the body into the classroom, while Masahiro helps Isekai clean up the blood. "Do you have bleach?" he asks, immediately realizing how dumb of a question that was. After all, who would casually bring bleach to school? "I can grab one from the janitor's closet..." Masahiro says to him, pointing in its direction. "You sure? It's already difficult having to keep this a secret from the school," Isekai asks him.

"I know a thing or two about stealth," he says to him, patting Isekai's shoulder. "Alright. Grab the bleach and some towels. I'll have this cleaned up in not long," were the instructions he gave to Masahiro. "Right," he replies, nodding. He runs off toward the janitor's closet to get the materials required.

As Masahiro runs, he begins to question something. "How does he know so much about covering up his tracks? Has he killed others before?" he thought, pondering. He decided he could worry about it later, as he had a task to do.

To be continued...

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