Chapter 5 - Club Voting

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The three were discussing how they can truly know if the girl they saw on registration day is the same one the enemy is looking for. Sayori suggested looking through the club creation board on the next day, because that's when they can have a shot at knowing whether or not the girl in question is the Monika that the organization asked Sayori and MC about.

"Good idea, but the only problem is, fat chance that she's going to be up there. Even then, to have any non-suspicious contact with her at all, we need to make sure her club *wins* the voting. Although, should she not be up on the board, or should she fail, maybe we can wait until she chooses to sign up to join another club, and we can follow her as well," Isekai replies, crossing his arms.

Everyone agreed on Sayori's idea, and Isekai's backup plan. They went home for the day, and got ready for tomorrow.

The following day...

Isekai, MC and Sayori all walk around the school, in hopes of catching the name of the girl they're looking for. They see the club creation forms of seventeen different people. They take a look through each form. "Baking Club... Game Club... Anime Club? Ugh, don't wanna know what kind of otakus could possibly be there... Chemistry Club... Novel Club... Sports Club... nanananana... oh!" Isekai mutters, going through each sheet on the board until something catches his eye.

"Guys, over here," he calls out, prompting MC and Sayori to walk over to him. "I think we've got it. The Literature Club, registration form written by a girl named Sousasuru Monika. She's got coral brown hair, just like the photo described. MC, didn't you mention Sousasuru-san last Monday?" he states, looking at MC to confirm something. His friend nods.

"Eight of these seventeen clubs will be chosen. The one at the top is the Game Club with... fifty votes. Following that is the Anime Club with forty-one votes, and the Sports Club is at third with thirty-six votes. Board Game Club at fourth with twenty-five. If we make votes for the Literature Club, it's going to be put in seventh, just behind the Art Club and Horror Movie Club, which are both at eleven, tied with the Chemistry Club at three, and in front of Baking Club at 1. Let's place our votes. It's likely not to be popular, but we need to at LEAST make sure it gets eighth place so that it gets made an official club of XX Private High," Isekai says to them, counting the votes. They all nod at each other, and they write their names down on paper slips and put them in the vote box.

The short, pink-haired girl passes by them and looks at the club voting board. "Hmm... Literature Club, Anime Club, or Baking Club...?" she asks herself, pondering as to what her choice should be. All three of them freeze, and try to listen to the girl. "Mm... alright, curiosity to try new things, you win again. Literature Club it is," she says to herself, coming to a decision. She takes the pen and puts another paper in the Literature Club's vote box, taking seventh place for itself on the ranks.

They sigh in relief, and go to Classroom 1-3 to get through the next subjects for the day. After a boring lecture, the three gather at lunch time to talk about their plans. "What if this whole Literature Club plan doesn't pan out too well? I mean, we could very well lose, not a lot of people are into literature and everything," Sayori asks him, fearing that their plan might fail.

"I told you, Sayori, we have a backup plan if it fails, but I doubt we'll need to use it," he answers, fanning his hand as he eats his food. "Anyway, we have that pink girl unknowingly assisting our cause now, so that's a start," MC says, peeling his crab. "It's said that this Monika person has something that can help the organization. Either that, or they're eliminating a threatening power that's within her," he continues, explaining the rumors.

"At all costs, we gotta protect her. I have a feeling that something bad would happen should those rumored powers fall into their hands," Sayori says, shivering at the possibilities. They all keep discussing their plans, as a person bumps their fist onto Sayori's back. "Eh? Oh! Hanae-chan!" she questions, realizing who the person behind her is.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Mitsuki Hanae, a friend of Sayori. I'm a student of Class 1-1. Pleasure to meet you," she greets, introducing herself. "Anyway, what're you talking about here?" she asks, curious. MC clears his throat. "We're talking about an organization that intends on securing Sousasuru-san. We plan on fighting against it," he tells her.

Hanae Mitsuki (A friend of Sayori. She's a first year in class 1. She's very polite and friendly, given how she talks to people she only just met, like Isekai and MC.)

"Sousasuru? You mean Monika-chan? That's horrible!" she replies, shocked and saddened at the news. "We're voting for the Literature Club to become one of this year's eight official clubs. We're on four votes right now. Us three, and a pink-haired girl who walked by," Isekai tells her, explaining his plans on being able to tie themselves to Monika.

"Oh, you guys were the other four voters? I guess that makes five. We're in ninth place right now, the Baking Club is tied with us on five, but they got there first, so they're up ahead," Mitsuki says to them, updating them on their situation. "Damn, we're not holding up too well. This isn't good..." Isekai mutters, becoming concerned for the outcome.

"Do you know anyone who might be interested in poetry or reading?" MC asks Mitsuki, becoming desperate. "Sorry, no luck. The last person I had was someone named Hatsu Hideki, but he voted for the Novel Club," she replies, apologizing.

The principal came on the P.A. system and announced something. "Good afternoon, students. Regarding the Club Registrations: Voting phase will be over tomorrow. Please cast your votes while they can be eligible, because any late votes will not be registered. Thank you," she says, dismissing the announcement.

"Well... we'll just hope that someone comes through," Sayori mutters, trying to hold out some hope that the Literature Club would receive an extra vote.

To be continued...

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