Chapter 12 - Icebreakers

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Another boring day of classes went on. The same kinds of lectures on calculus, trigonometry, chemistry, physics, the many kinds of speech pieces, and all the other kinds of things you'd be taught. Sayori struggled to pay attention, Natsuki and Mitsuki were having difficulties understanding things, Masahiro and Yuri were doing just fine, and Monika and Isekai were holding off well.

At the end of the day, all seven of the Literature Club members banded together for a basic club meeting. "Alright, everybody, now begins the first real Literature Club meeting. As your president, I will be assigning you all a light task to be doing. It won't be anywhere near difficult compared to your everyday homework, so don't worry about having it piled on top of your tasks," Monika announces, scratching her head.

"...what is this 'light task' you speak of?" Natsuki asks, feeling half-annoyed. "It's just writing a simple poem. Nothing too big," she replies, waving a pen. Masahiro and Isekai remain unfazed, and Yuri seems nervous. Sayori keeps her cheery demeanor, and Mitsuki seems just fine with it. Natsuki has no violent reactions or complaints.

"Seems that there's no opposition to this. Moving on, er, I'll tell you a little about myself to pass the time. I used to be a part of the Debate Club back in junior high, but I quit, because of all the inner politics and drama that was going on in there. It was... honestly too much for me to take, and I left. I thought about starting the Literature Club back in junior high, but I'd already been on my last year, and decided to postpone that idea for high school," Monika said, a pained expression on her face.

"I'm telling you this because I want to build a bond between all of us. Do you mind giving us a few... icebreakers? May we start with you, Tsunde-san?" Monika continues, looking at Natsuki. She huffs, and takes a breath. "Apparently, according to my physical examination sheets, I have an unnaturally strong body for my physique, and I won the prefectural martial arts tournament this year."

This pings something in Sayori's mind. "E-eh... Tsunde-chan, can I ask the name of your opponent in the quarter-finals?" she requests. Natsuki ponders on the subject for a bit, and remembers. "I think someone who was named Hiatari, why do you ask?" she replies, raising an eyebrow. Sayori hangs her head in disappointment.

"You lost to *HER* of all people? Okay, to be honest, I would see how you underestimated her given Tsunde-chan's rather petite figure," Isekai questions, crossing his arms. "What, you got a problem?" she questions, ready to throw down. "I know you don't know what happened in 1-3, but you speak to me like that again, and your arms will have one or two more joints than normal. And I definitely do not want to fight you."

"Don't you DARE underestimate me, Mizuki. I'll knock you flat on the ground!" she yells, standing up from her desk. "HAH! What part of your strawberry shortcake of a body will be able to graze me?" he replies, taunting her. At this point, Natsuki loses her cool and immediately attempts to attack her clubmate.

Isekai effortlessly dodges her punch, then grabs her by the collar. He then immediately shoves her towards the shelf that is lined up with books. "Seriously, I didn't wanna fight you at all. Wanna know why?" he asks her, grabbing her by the collar and lifting her up. Natsuki tries breaking free of his grasp.

"It's because this would not have been fair at all!" he yells, throwing her at the closet. He sighs. "She's probably unconscious. I have an emergency med-kit in my bag, just use that and patch up anything she might have," Isekai tells them, sitting down. "Jeez, is this really how the club meetings will go?" Masahiro questions, putting his head on his desk.

"Probably, if Tsunde-chan continues to take any comment personally," Isekai replies. Sayori shakes her head lightly, disapproving of her friend's choice in addressing the situation. "A-Anyway... moving on..." she nervously says, turning to Sayori. "Ah, me? Er, like Natsuki, I entered the martial arts prefectural tournament, but I lost during the quarter finals. I'm substantially less skilled and powerful compared to Tsunde-chan, and I'm clearly no match for Mizuki-san," she says, lifting a finger.

"Chiyoko-kun?" Monika calls. Masahiro takes a breath. "Really, er, nothing interesting about me. Only thing worth noting in my junior high years is that I'm a straight honors student," he tells them, scratching his head. No one seems to have any kind of reaction, and Monika turns to Sayori, and asks for anything more about her.

"Oh! Um... I'm actually a bit of a glutton. I eat a lot, but never seem to get any bigger," she tells them, a drop of sweat on her face. Isekai leans over to Masahiro and whispers something in his ear. "Is there any limit to what Hiatari-chan can eat?" he asks. Masahiro thinks about it, and shrugs. "Honestly, I don't know. The biggest I've seen her eat is two entire pizza boxes by herself, and she didn't even at least feel bloated," he replies, spreading his arms out to depict the size of the box.

"Are you sure she never suffered from indigestion?" Yuri asks, concerned. Sayori and Masahiro nod. "She never did. The only time I've ever seen her somewhat close to full was when she was in a pancake-eating contest, and won first place by eating seven platters of five-stack pancakes with caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, and blueberries. Like, honestly, how strong is her stomach?" he replies, pulling up seven fingers, then five fingers.

"That's actually impressive," Monika commented, turning to Yuri. "Oh! Er... my grades were supreme, and I could honestly make an instantaneous jump to junior high whenever I wanted. But I didn't want a cut down in my school life's time, so I chose to live all of them," Yuri states, twirling her hair in embarrassment.

"Potential star student! I bet you must be an honors student in every semester," Monika happily replies, turning to Isekai. "Me? Let's just say I have too much fighting experience and ability for my own good," he says, sighing. The Club President seems interested, and asks to see a few.

"I can do this," he states, holding up a cookie to lure Sayori. She takes the bait, and tries to steal it. Isekai immediately immobilizes her using glowing purple chains, then eats the cookie himself. "Yeesh, how cruel," Mitsuki comments. "This," he continues, stomping the ground to deliberately almost impale Masahiro with rock spikes. "And this," he then finishes, snapping his fingers which causes Yuri to be encased in walls made of light.

"Er... let me out?" Yuri requests, knocking on the walls. Isekai drops the barriers, setting her free. Natsuki groans and starts getting up. "Oh, and this too," he goes on, using telekinesis to throw a comic book at her. "Unf!" she grunts, getting smacked back down. "Ooookay, I doubt that's all you can pull off, but I won't pry," she says, lifting a finger. "Anyway, moving on! Let's relax for today, and make sure you bring your poems for tomorrow!"

To be continued...

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