Chapter 4 - Over Some Cheesecake

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Sayori and MC spot the mall, and they begin walking faster toward it. Along the way, they see the purple-haired girl from Monday exit a library as she carries a few books. "Hey, isn't that the same girl on our left on Monday during the registrations?" MC asks, familiar with her face and hair. Sayori nods, and they spot the mall where the new bakery has opened.

They enter it, and MC pulls out his phone to try to text Isekai. "Hey dude, where's the bakery?" he mutters as he types down that exact message on the phone. Within one minute he gets a reply. "Should be near Tsundere Trinkets," was his message. Sayori was familiar with that store and made her way toward it while MC followed her.


They arrive at the bakery, and they can see Isekai, wearing a black turtleneck and black slacks, outside the entrance. He had his usual eyepatch on. He notices them and waves. MC and Sayori walk over to him and have a little talk before going inside the bakery.

"They play calm music here. How interesting," MC comments, liking the vibe. "Well, ready to order?" Sayori asks, giddy. Isekai ruffles her hair. "What do you two want? It's on me," he asks, pulling out his wallet. The girl chooses a slice of their new cheesecake and a cold chocolate drink. MC picks custard cake and iced coffee. "Alright," he mutters, keeping it in mind. He tells them to find a table and walks over to the counter to place his orders down.

"I would like two slices of cheesecake, two cold chocolate drinks, a heated cookie, a slice of custard cake, and iced coffee," he requests. The cashier nods and writes it down on a notepad to confirm his order. He goes over to the two and sits down with them as he puts their number down on the table.

"You two look you were discussing something important. Can I get in on this?" Isekai asks. MC and Sayori look at each other, and nod. They told themselves that they could trust him. "An organization has been hunting down a coral brown-haired girl. We're betting that she's the one with the big white bow on Monday, didn't you see her?" he explains. Isekai remembers and nods.

"Yeah. Earlier today, a person came by my house and asked if I knew where she was. I didn't know where she was, so I naturally said no," he continues, recalling that moment. "I don't know why this concerns us," Isekai says to them. "I don't intend to leave someone in danger," MC tells him, showing his vigilance.

"You're the heroic kind, hm? Okay, fine, we'll help her. But I'll need all of the information you have right now," Isekai says, sighing. Everyone comes to an agreement, and their food arrives. They start heartily eating their lunch, and by surprise, MC's parents come into the bakery and spot their son. "Hey, son!" they call out. He turns behind him.

"Mom? Dad? Where were you?" he asks. "We were off to try that new place so we could buy cheesecake here. Seems you beat us to it, though. Oh, is this a new friend of yours?" his mother explains, full of surprise as he looks at Isekai. "Pleasure to meet you both. I'm Mizuki Isekai, it's nothing short of an honor to meet you two," he greets them, introducing himself. "Hmm... the cheesecake here is a bit expensive, won't it take a big bite out of your allowance, MC?" his mother asks him, concerned.

"Don't worry, I paid for it," Isekai replies, eating his heated cookie. "Oh! Ahm... sorry you had to do this! Er, we'll reimburse you. How much did you pay, exactly?" his father apologetically asks him, reaching for his wallet. "Please, don't concern yourselves. I'm the one who invited them out, it's only natural I treat them to it," he says to them, trying to prevent them from paying him back. Both his parents stopped and just thanked him for his kindness.

"Well, it seems that you're gonna be out for a while, and we don't wanna disturb you. Do any of you want seconds? It's on us," MC's mother suggested. Sayori asked for a chocolate sponge cake slice, and MC asked for another coffee. "I'll take two cheesy sausage wraps," Isekai requests, pointing two fingers up.

Soon after they get their food, they eat it down within seven minutes. Before they leave, they have another chat regarding the information they currently have. "Now, what do you have?" Isekai asks them. "Well, currently, all we have is the appearance of their target and the possibility that whoever we think we have to protect might not be it. Said target's appearance has coral brown hair and emerald green eyes," MC tells him. It pings something in the information recipient's mind. "Wait, you mean the girl wearing that big white bow at receptions?" Isekai asks him. MC nods.

"Ah, alright then. That aside, how do you plan on stopping this organization, MC?" he asks, looking at his friend. "We need to know the person who they're after and tell them that a group of people are after them. We can focus on the name of the organization later and its motives with the girl," he says, explaining his plan.

"Heh, alright then. You said that the girl in question is probably the same coral brown-haired one that goes to our school, right?" Isekai asks him in an attempt to confirm it. MC nods. "Club applications are opening tomorrow. Maybe we can find her there since I heard that people who sign up for those clubs the following week are to have a copy of their student photo posted on the paper to the left of their name. Although, of course, this plan hinges entirely on the possibility that our objective will be creating a club at all, to begin with," the mismatched hair boy suggests. Sayori agrees.

"Alright. Let's go to my house. Best if we discuss it somewhere where it ain't public," he says, standing up from his chair. Both Sayori and MC follow him, and they eventually arrive at the residence where he lives.

To be continued...

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