Chapter 13 - Physical Education

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It was Wednesday, and that's the day that a lot of people like, because most, if not everyone's, favorite subject in school is PE, primarily because it means they get to do something fun. In Isekai's, Masahiro's, and Sayori's class, everyone's favorite sport was basketball.


"Okay, class, today, we're going to be learning self-defense!" the teacher announces, sparking interest in the boys, but not so much in the girls, barring Sayori. "Yes, yes, normally, we'd go along with our usual, but with the sudden appearance of more suspicious-looking people, we need to teach you all self-defense, just in case they may decide to make a move on you. This can also be useful later in life, especially for you girls," he goes on, followed by him telling everyone to go to the gymnasium.

XX Private High School Gymnasium, 8:15 AM

Everyone got into some uniforms, and the teacher walked in, multiple black belts wrapped around. The students were shocked. "Surprised, huh? Yeah, I'm a triple black belt in karate, plus a red one. Now, let's get started. I'm going to be teaching you karate. Does anyone here have a bit of knowledge? Or just has martial arts experience at all?" he asks, and Sayori stands up.

"Ah, I see you have a red belt. Well then, come, let me see what you have! Fight however you like!" her teacher tells her, prompting Sayori to take a stance. "Good, good, good posture! Now we BEGIN!" he yells, leaping. Without effort, Sayori pushes his arm aside and guts him hard. "I liked that!" he compliments her, kicking her in the head. "Ooh, that was almost a concussion..." Isekai mutters, concerning Masahiro.

Sayori regains her composure and charges at her teacher. She tries to attack him with heavy kicks, but they are easily dodged, and he knocks her out in one punch. She hits the ground, fully unconscious. "Sayori displayed good skill against an opponent who had far more experience, even if the battle was rather short. Now, anyone else want a shot?" he asks.

Masahiro grins and nudges Isekai. "Okay, fine, I'll do it," he mutters, standing up. "I'd like a try," he says, prompting people to snicker. "Really? You don't even have a white belt... Oh well, why not?" he questions, feeling bad. "Start!" the teacher calls, charging at Isekai. He tries striking at a vital point, but it is dodged, and Isekai appears behind him. "Where you aiming?" he playfully asks.

"Heh... so you can dodge. DON'T THINK THAT'LL HELP YOU WIN!" he yells out, trying to punch him in his chest. The attack lands but has no impact. His teacher, confused, strikes three more times, only to back out after Isekai chops his right arm on the fourth strike. "Is it my turn, sensei?" he asks mockingly, walking forward.

"NO TURNS ARE TAKEN IN MARTIAL ARTS!" he yells, trying to punch Isekai's face in. "I guess it is," he says, preparing a punch. "Manual Transmission Shift," he utters, his fist briefly glowing, shaping into lines of a faint light blue as he punches his teacher in the gut. "That punch alone would already have sent a person into unconsciousness, but it seems he is durable enough that he would get up after four more of those punches. Very well..."

"Second gear..." he utters, his fist glowing a faint green this time, followed by a cranking noise. Isekai punches again, albeit faster. "Third gear..." he continues, glowing yellow with a higher-pitched cranking sound as he punches a third time with the speed of sound. "Fourth..." he goes on, glowing orange with a noise as he strikes again with speed that almost matches light. "Fifth!" he finishes, punching him once more at the speed of light as his arm briefly glows red, following by a low yet loud cranking sound. As he utters "Clutch," a sixth punch was thrown, although with no shift in speed. His teacher is sent flying towards the wall at a concerning speed and is made to crash into it, too. All of his classmates were shocked.

Manual Transmission Shift (A technique made by Isekai that utilizes punches that rapidly increase in speed. Lines resembling that of a digital chip will appear on the user's arm from the lower forearm to the back of their hand while glowing different colors. Blue for first gear, green for second gear, yellow for third gear, orange for fourth gear, and red for fifth gear. This technique utilizes gears to build up speed, similar to that of a car with a manual transmission. Within each punch, the user can choose whether or not to shift to a higher or lower gear, one step at a time. Of course, there are pros and cons in said gears, although this only applies in the instance that the user chooses to attack in rapid flows of punches. To put it simply...

1st Gear / -10% Power | +30% Speed
2nd Gear / -15% Power | +60% Speed
3rd Gear / -25% Power | +85% Speed
4th Gear / -30% Power | +110% Speed
5th Gear / -40% Power | +150% Speed

To put it into words, the higher the gear, the higher the speed. The lower the gear, the stronger the punches.)

Clutch (A special move linked to the Manual Transmission Shift technique that can be used at any gear. After the user shifts into their desired gear, they can throw a punch that disconnects the multiplied speed from the user and connects the speed to the target, similar to how the clutch brake disconnects the engine from the wheels of a manual car. This technique is useful for knocking your enemies back.)

"...did I overdo it?" Isekai asks them, concerned. "Overdoing it is an understatement, dude..." Masahiro replies. Physical Education ended up being canceled for the rest of the day as Isekai had broken his teacher's ribs. Thankfully, and surprisingly, no charges were pressed against him.

To be continued...

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