Chapter 11 - Interrogation II (!)

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All of the Literature Club members went into Yuri's house's basement after the day of the interrogations. She lived alone, so no one could end up catching them in the act. They checked the remaining enemy and started to interrogate them, and Yuri gave Isekai a cleaver knife for torturing purposes.

After a while of questioning Isekai and Yuri's idea of torture, they agreed to it on the condition that the person doesn't die unless necessary. Isekai asks his first question. "Tell me. What's your organization's objective?" he asks as he is sharpening the blade. "We're out to catch a person. I won't tell you who," they reply, affirming their loyalty to the organization. Isekai sighs and holds the knife to their fingers. "Tell me the name of the group, then," he demands, ready to sever the person's finger.

"We have no name, literally! If the police find out we exist, they can't identify us easily. That's all I'm telling you," he answers, stating the name. "Back to my first question. Who are you after, and why are you doing this?" he asks them again, losing his patience. "I told you, I'm not- GAAAAAGH!" he says, refusing to tell them. He is cut off midway by Isekai chopping off the person's right-hand thumb.

"If you value your hands and your life, you're gonna tell me what it is you're after," Isekai warns him, ready to chop off his pinky finger next. "Y-you think that's gonna be enough to st- A-AAAGH...!" he defiantly responds, getting another one of his fingers chopped down. "Hurry up~..." Isekai wearily suggests, chopping off the ring finger.

The three fingers he lost were already on the floor, along with a puddle of blood. "Dammit, I got blood on my turtleneck..." he mutters. Yuri was watching with an insanely excited look on her face, while Natsuki looked like she was close to puking. Monika and Sayori couldn't look, and Mitsuki and Masahiro just watched. They all had one thought in mind: "How can he be doing this so casually?"

He was still defying Isekai's demands, so he went for the middle finger. "Still thinking that your life has no value?" he asks him rhetorically. He then turns to Yuri. "Shuuchaku-chan, do you have some needles and a lighter?" he asks her. Yuri snaps out of it and runs up the stairs to gather what he asked for. She comes back down.

"Good. Now, I like to call this torture technique 'Hot Needlework.' It's exactly like it sounds," he says, picking out a needle, and lighting its tip on fire. After the needle changes color, he sticks it into the places with the missing fingers, making his hands hurt. "I'll only cut off more of your fingers and stick more heated needles in there until you answer."

"OKAY, OKAY, FINE! I'LL TELL YOU!" he screams out, defeated. Isekai plucks the needles out of his fingers and listens to him. "Our group was formed less than six years ago by a kid who had eyes on a girl named Monika for a while now. According to the kid, she had abnormal powers that allowed her to control this entire reality that we all exist in. The reason he does this is to prevent any selfish deeds from happening," the person explained, hanging his head over.

Mitsuki took a deep breath. "Do you know any more than that? And why do you seriously believe this kid?" she asks. The person shakes his head. "I'm nothing but a lesser pawn in our grand scheme. I'm barely a simple grunt member, there's no way they trust me enough to hold the valuable shit," the grunt tells them, shaking his head.

Isekai sighs. "Very well, then. I doubt that you won't be executed when you go back to base, so I'll do the job now," he says to the person, forming his hand into a fist and tightening it. "WAIT, BUT I GAVE YOU WHAT YOU WANTED-!" he frantically screams, trying to escape his fate. Isekai does not hesitate as he blows the man's head clean off in one punch.

"Was that really necessary?" Monika questions. "It was. Not for him, but for us. He would likely have told the upper members our appearances so that they could quickly identify and send people to kill every last one of us except for you, Sousasuru-chan," Isekai answers, holding up one finger and slowly wagging it. "Shuuchaku-chan, do you have oil or something we can use to completely hide this motherfucker away?" he asks, looking at Yuri.

She thinks about it for a second, then says that she has a lot of trash bags in the house. "But won't they be able to easily tell?" Sayori questions. Yuri tells her not to worry about it. "I usually get some workout in by bringing all of my trash into that one can outside my house, then bring it to the presser. No one will know, since all that's there will be crushed into a small item, and then sent to the recycling center," she explains, stuffing the body into the bag. "Wait, before we do that..." Isekai interjects, pulling the body out of the bag.

He starts to remove the grunt's clothes. The others question why he's doing so. "I'm gonna keep his organization uniform with me. This could be useful one day." Soon, along with the others, Yuri leaves the house to go to the presser to have the body completely disposed of. After they arrive, she passes the bag to Isekai, who chucks the bag into the presser. An employee greets her. "Ah, Yuri-chan! How have you been doing these past few days?" he asks her. "A-ahm, I'm doing okay, thank you," she replies, scratching her head.

The man pats her head and looks at the crusher. He notices that it's full. "Oh, I'll be going. The box's full now," he tells her, running off. "You know that guy?" Masahiro asks her. Yuri nods. "I'm actually kind of a regular here," she says to him. They hear something move, and they watch as the presser crushes and reshapes all of the garbage into a cube.

Everyone leaves the presser, relieved that no one spotted the body bag. They all went their separate ways, but Isekai stopped by Sayori's house to clean the blood off of his turtleneck. Soon after he cleaned his clothing, he moseyed on home as well.

To be continued...

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