Chapter 6 - Shuuchaku Yuri

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Sayori and MC are offered a lift from Isekai, and they take it. When they arrive, they walk to their classroom and take their seats, hoping that the Literature Club would be put down as an official XX Private High School club for the year. While their homeroom teacher was giving them reminders, like the physical examination coming up in a week, the P.A. system came on.

"Good morning, students! I would like to announce the winning clubs for the spots of the eight official clubs this year. We have the Game Club in first place with 98 votes. The Board Game Club came in second with 80, and the Anime Club didn't run far behind it with 61 votes. In fourth place is the Sports Club with 50 votes. The Art Club comes in fifth place with exactly 40 votes. The Horror Movie Club is at sixth with 21 votes, and on seventh comes the Chemistry Club with 10. On eighth place, it was a tie between the Baking and Literature Clubs, and yesterday afternoon, a certain girl came in and broke that tie," the principal announces, setting suspension into the heads of Mitsuki, the pink-haired girl (both of them are in Class 1-1), along with Sayori, MC and Isekai.

"In eighth place is the Literature Club with six votes! The Baking Club comes in ninth with five, throwing it out of its place in the official clubs. As stated yesterday, the eight clubs with the most votes will become official clubs for this school. In this list comes the Game Club, Board Game Club, Anime Club, Sports Club, the Art Club, the Chemistry Club, the Horror Movie Club, and finally, the Literature Club. Thank you for your votes. The fourth period will be nullified for today as it will be spent choosing the room that will become the room for their groups," the principal finished, ending communication.

The three of them feel immense relief at the fact that the plan they had been using hadn't failed. During the fourth period, they found a flier that was pinned on a board that read "Sign Up as Literature Club Members!" and had a sticker of Monika's face next to it. There were twenty entries, and the group of four that met yesterday at lunch came together.

MC went first. "Chiyoko Masahiro" was what he wrote down. "Wait, that's your name? Whatever, I'll just keep calling you MC," Isekai questions, surprised, then immediately shrugging it off afterward. Sayori went next, putting down "Hiatari Sayori." Isekai sighed and took his left hand out of his pocket, taking the pen from Sayori and writing down "Mizuki Isekai," followed by Mitsuki writing down "Hanae Mitsuki."

Chiyoko Masahiro (The unabbreviated name of MC.)

The pink-haired girl from yesterday reappeared behind them, half-taken by surprise at what kind of people she was seeing. After Isekai put the pen back in the pouch and the group went away, she took the pen from the pocket and started writing her name down.

Later that afternoon...

The group came back up to check if anyone else signed up for the Literature Club. They looked at the board and saw a tall, purple-haired girl take the pen from the pouch. "Hey there!" MC calls out, startling her. "Kyah! Oh, um... yes... ah... h-how may I help you?" she replies sheepishly, trying to compose herself.

"Are you signing up for the Literature Club?" he asks, a smile on his face. "Ah... er... yes, I am..." she replies, fidgeting with her fingers. MC walks over and takes a look at the paper, and he sees two new names. "Tsunde Natsuki" and "Shuuchaku Yuri." MC analyzes the order they were written in and immediately deduces the girl's name. "Hm. Shuuchaku Yuri. What a beautiful name," he comments, causing the girl to go red a little. "Nice to meet you, Shuuchaku-san. I'm Chiyoko Masahiro, but... I'd prefer it if you call me MC," he introduces himself, holding out his hand for Yuri to shake.

She hesitates a little, but she reaches out her hand and shakes Masahiro's. "E-er, I'm assuming that the rest of them m-must be your friends?" she asks him, assuming that the three behind him are his companions. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hiatari Sayori!" Sayori gleefully says, introducing himself. Mitsuki raises her hand. "Hanae Mitsuki. It's a pleasure to meet you." Isekai clears his throat. "Mizuki Isekai. Don't pressure yourself," he says, raising a hand. "Hm... first club meeting tomorrow afternoon?" MC mutters, nodding.

"Well, we'll see you at the Literature Club tomorrow! Take care of yourself, Shuuchaku-san!" MC said to her as the group left. Yuri couldn't help but put one of her hands on her chest and deeply exhale.


Narrator: Yuri Shuuchaku

I was a loner from a young age. I indulged myself in a ton of reading since I loved books. I read a lot of horror and romance novels, and even science-y stuff and college textbooks as well. During kindergarten, every one of my classmates was scared of me because of the way I talked. My vocabulary level was nearly college-grade at the age of 4. Because of this, in every year of school, I had every opportunity for the best scholarships that Japan could ever offer. Yet, being the desperate-for-a-friend fool that I was, I turned down every last one of them.

Put simply, I was too intelligent as a person to be in kindergarten to begin with. But I didn't want to accelerate through my education years. I wanted to live all fourteen years to the fullest. However... I just simply couldn't make friends. Whenever I would want to talk to someone, my chest ended up tightening really harshly.

I tried over, and over, and one day I just gave up. I decided I'd spend my days in middle school and junior high as a lone wolf, hoping someone would approach me. I would study endlessly every day, and my hobbies would be watching documentaries, reading horror novels, or just novels in general, and watching horror movies.

I was bullied a lot for not having friends, since I never tried to converse with anyone. I had no problem with it, it was just... it's difficult for me when talking to people casually. I hated it, and wanted to be friends with a person, but for me, it was easier said than done. I have a... guilty pleasure that involves knives, and when my middle school found out, I became the school freak for two years, and it was only alleviated because someone's own guilty pleasure was pleasuring himself in front of girls. While it's disgusting, I wouldn't wanna wish that pain upon anyone, not even him. As a result of all of that, I decided that, if I ever got an opportunity for a scholarship again, I would take it, no matter what my thoughts told me. Or, so I thought.

When I met Chiyoko-san... I felt happy that I got to talk to someone properly, if even just casually. Ah... if it really was that easy all the time...

Narrator: None


To be continued...

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