Chapter 9 - Without a Trace

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The seven students were on a ride to the seaside, where they could dump the comatose and dead body. "Was it necessary to have killed him, Mizuki-san?" Monika asks him, afraid of what could be coming for them knowing they covered up for a brutal murder. "Either that, or I get knocked out with a chair. I couldn't dodge, and there was no time to block," Isekai replies, taking a turn.

"Better question, how do you know how to drive?" Natsuki asks him, impressed. "I won't answer that," he says to her, putting a finger up. She drops it, knowing she won't be able to pry it out of him. Isekai steps on the gas, speeding up. "Any of you know where the closest high drop cliffs to the ocean are?" he asks, looking behind him. Yuri nods. "About fifteen kilometres from here. Just turn left after you get to the big mall, and then just run straight from there," she says to him.

Isekai nods, and hits it. He turns on the radio as to not sound suspicious, and sets it to AM radio to hear what's going on. "Three people have gone missing as of this afternoon. Their names were (KZZZZZZT), (BZZZ)me(ZZZZZT) and (BZZ) Kanae," the radio stated, pinging the students of Class 1-1. "Hey, T-Tsunde-chan..." Mitsuki calls, afraid of something. Natsuki knows exactly what she's thinking.

They ask Isekai to pull over, to which he does. He stops the car where no one would see, and both Natsuki and Mitsuki check the back. They look at the body of the comatose one, but their face doesn't look familiar to them. They checked the dead one, looked through the baggies, and they noticed the eyeball. They recognized its aqua blue color. "Oh my God..." they both uttered, horrified. "Mizuki-san, you killed one of our classmates," Natsuki told him, causing Isekai to jerk his head behind him.

"Wait, a student is one of the enemies?!" he questions, coming to a quick decision. "Tch... we can worry about that later! We HAVE to dump these two bodies into the water or we're going to get found out. Does anyone have something immensely heavy? Don't worry about latching a wire or something onto them, I'll cover for that," he asks, looking around.

"Wait, we have 75kg weights in the back!" Mitsuki told him, pulling the body bags backward, revealing two 75 kilogram weights. "Why the fu... okay, forget it! Get in the car, I don't wanna have police finding out it was us!" Isekai told them. Yuri and Mitsuki immediately got into the car, and Isekai hit the gas, driving off to God knows where.

In a while, they stop near a cliff. They decide that it's a good enough place, since they're directly above a deep ocean. Mitsuki, Monika, Yuri, Sayori and Masahiro start getting the two bodies out of the car, while Natsuki and Isekai get the weights out. While it seems to be some trouble for the girl, Isekai seems to not have any problems lifting up such a heavy amount.

When Isekai and Natsuki put the weights down, he immediately takes the alive yet comatose one out of the bag. Before he does anything, he calls for Monika. "Watch the one who I knocked unconscious! There's a bat in the car, hit him over the head if he wakes up!" he says to her. Monika nods and runs to the car's trunk and pulls out the baseball bat.

Isekai sighs, and starts whipping purple chains out of his fingers, wrapping them around one leg, and then latching another end to the weight. He kicks the comatose one down to the ocean, and a splash is heard. "Other one," he tells them. They give him the dead body of who Mitsuki and Natsuki call "Kanae", and he places the weight where Kanae's head used to be.

He kicks her into the ocean, hoping that what's left of her body, along with the comatose one, would be devoured by sharks or other carnivorous fishes. "Let's leave. With the weight of the metal and the pressure of these waters, they're bound to sink to the ocean floor, and possibly somewhere darker," he tells them, entering the driver's seat. The others follow after him, and they drive off back home.

The next day, in Classroom 1-1...

Their homeroom teacher walks in. "Some delinquents stole the principal's car yesterday. We found fingerprints in the trunk, but we could never match them to anyone. And another thing on the topic, Kanae has gone missing. Anyone know of her whereabouts?" he asks them. Mitsuki and Natsuki look at each other and nod, agreeing to pretend not to know.

When a student turns to Mitsuki and asks her about it, she says that she knows nothing, since she's been in the Literature Club during the after-school hours. Some others asked Natsuki, but she told them that she didn't know either, despite both her and her classmate Mitsuki knowing exactly what happened to them.

Classroom 1-3

While Isekai and Masahiro were quietly discussing their comments on students being affiliated with the enemy organization, the principal walked in. "Is anyone here in a club?" he asks. Masahiro, Sayori, and Isekai look at each other, and nod. All three of them raise their hands, and the principal asks that they come with him.

They shrug, stand up, and follow the principal. Isekai has his hands in his pockets, with a weapon in his left pocket. Masahiro has one brass knuckle in both pockets, and Sayori has a box cutter in her skirt pocket. All three of them had weapons just in case things might get sticky. After they exit the classroom, Sayori shuts the door behind her.

Classroom 1-2

Monika and Yuri were talking to each other about the incident as if they knew nothing. They went on and on, and the principal came into the classroom as well. He asked if anyone was in a Club in this school, and five people raised their hands. Just like he did with Sayori, Isekai, and Masahiro.

Monika and Yuri stood up and nodded at each other as they exited the classroom. After a while, club students, all of the juniors and seniors, entered the auditorium. They sat at tables that surrounded the principal. Everyone had a buzzer and a mic in front of them.

"The incident about Kanae going missing happened after school hours since Class 1-1 student Tsunde Natsuki was seen walking next to her by a teacher. I have called all students in clubs here to talk about what they were doing," the principal explained. "Before we begin, group up according to your club," he says to them.

Everyone groups up and sits down on adjacent seats to their clubmates. "Okay, now, we will speak about the members of the Game Club first. Who among you is the President?" he asks. A boy with ruffled hair raises his hand. "Okay, tell me, then. Where were you and what were you doing, young man?" the principal asks him.

"I had been showcasing the club room to those who joined. It took me a while since I had a lot of games and setups to show them. After I let them make themselves feel at home, I went out to buy snacks from the vending machines. I can confirm that Sousasuru-san isn't the culprit. I passed by the Literature Club room earlier, and I watched as she frantically did a last-minute effort to set it up for her members," the boy says to the principal, pointing at Monika. The principal nods, and marks him and Monika off the suspect list.

"Next, we're going to ask a member from the Board Game Club," he says.

To be continued...

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