Chapter 14.5 - Bowling

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Mitsuki's bowling ball goes down the alley at a good speed, knocking out seven pins on the first shot. "Aw. Anyway, time for a shot at a spare!" she says, picking up another, but only hitting one pin on the second roll. "HAH!" Isekai laughs, making fun of his friend.

"Alright, er... Chiyoko-kun, I think it's your turn?" Monika says, pointing at him. "Oh, right. Call me MC, please," he requests, standing up. He picks up a bowling ball and launches it down the alley, knocking down four pins. Masahiro then sighs, picking up another bowling ball, then launching it down the alley, slamming it onto five more. He puts on a rather irritated expression.

Yuri puts down her glass of water, stands up, picks up a bowling ball, and lets it roll down the alley, immediately taking out nine pins. She shrugs, picking up another, rolling it down the alley, which then knocks out the last pin, giving her a Spare.

"Next!" Monika calls out, prompting Natsuki to stand up. She cracks her knuckles, throws one down the alley, getting herself a Strike. Everyone else gives her a round of applause, and she giggles, shrugging it off as nothing. Sayori goes next, and she launches both balls into the gutter, effectively giving her a score of zero.

Isekai comes up, and it is to no one's surprise that he immediately lands a strike. Monika then takes her turn, getting six, then three pins. Following her is Mitsuki once again, who lands a Spare. Then came Masahiro, who gets seven pins. Yuri, with a Strike. Natsuki, another Strike. Sayori, six pins. Then Isekai, a second Strike.

It goes on and on, and the placings coming to the last round, as if the scoreboard were already written on the ninth frame:

1st - Natsuki (219 points)
2nd - Isekai (215 points)
3rd - Yuri (187 points)
4th - Monika (176 points)
5th - Masahiro (144 points)
6th - Mitsuki (131 points)
7th - Sayori (63 points)

"So far, Sayori's been sucking it," Isekai comments, looking at the scoreboard. By that moment, Yuri's turn had just passed, bumping her point count up to 196. "Oh come on, I could have done worse!" Sayori replied, slapping him repeatedly.

"Alright, Isekai, it was a good match, but it's time for me to end this!" she yells, launching a bowling ball down the alley. Unfortunately for her, it knocks down six pins. This puts her into a state of disbelief, and Isekai into an uncontrollable laugh. She clears her throat, and puts her second bowl into the gutter, making her facepalm, and her final score, 225.

Sayori stands up, takes her turn, and utterly fails again. Isekai sighs, stands up, and pulls off a Turkey in the three rolls given in the tenth frame. His final score was 245, putting him ahead of Natsuki by 20 points. After a fight between both of them, and a dinner at a small restaurant nearby, everyone went home happy.

To be continued...

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