Point Zero

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Andromeda pulled out a box from under his miniature bed. It was a simple cardboard box but the insides were worth more than a lot of people would assume. It was specially made.

The design was based off of a white banded bee. His gauntlets were like little patches of pollen bees collected on their arms and legs. The gauntlets had a built-in vacuum to pick up loose debris that was found on him to hide after messy fights. Special pads inside the gloves made similar to gecko hands made climbing walls possible.

A large, thick pair of boots were pulled out of the box. The boots were made for kicking off things. They also work well for long strides when running and save energy when chasing villains over long distances.

A hoodie made from a thin, yet stretchy material made up the body of the 'suit'. It was made of black and white stripes and on the back. In the opposite color of the striped layed a number, .0 ,A hint of him being a quirkless vigilante. Two little black sticks stuck up from the top of it like antennas from the hood of the hoodie.

To top off his costume a mask that velcroed to the inside of the hood and strapped onto his face like a helmet. This was practical in almost all ways for him. It kept both his identity and head safe from the world. Green mesh kept his eyes hidden and gave more of a bug appearance on the bright white mask

He checked to see if everything was there before he took it outside with him. He usually changed in another building or somewhere hidden in an alley so no one would notice who he was.

Andy loved being a vigilante, but it came with the cost of being wanted. Every week or so a new hero would come along and try to capture him, sometimes they would succeed but he always found a way out.

Although it was mid day, a half white costume wouldn't hide in the night well anyways. It's less suspicious if a vigilante is out during the day, unlike what most suspect. But the heroes just think he's another hero.

Into an alley this time as Andy quickly unpacked his suit and put it on, careful to make sure no one saw him. He finished off with the mask that velcro on tightly onto the hood.

Andy tested out the boots and equipment before finally using them to jump wall to wall into the alley, parkouring up to the roofs. On the roofs now he has a good look of the city and its beauty. But he wasn't there to look at the scenery. 

Although most of the day didn't have anything to stop he still spent a good amount of the time wandering around having fun. 

It was mostly uneventful, except for under a small bridge in a nice part of town. A small kid with green and black hair seemed to just get out of school. Andy happened to just pick him randomly out of the crowd to space out at. 

He watched the kid, who seemed to be in a bad mood walk under the bridge and out of his vision. Andy was about to change his perspective on another kid when something had caught his eye. Something from the bridge seemed off. 

Andy's interest was randomly sparked but yet something felt bad. He quickly moved his way down the building and down the street. Now it was visible the kid was being strangled to death.

As he raced against time down the street a pro hero was already on the villain's trail. As Andy grabbed the kid, quickly pulling the kid from the villain's grasp a sudden burst of wind shook the earth around him. 

The kid, now unconscious from a lack of air, was laid down on the pavement and Andy began to fight the possible new villain that could be arriving.

"Hey, I didn't see you there! Are you ok?" The hero asks as he walks over. This wasn't just any hero, this was THE hero. 

All Might stood towering over both of them as Andy shook in fear. If he recognizes him it could be the end of his vigilante days. Easy to say for him, there is no out running this hero..

For Andy being a tall kid All Might still easily could see the top of his head.

"The kid seems fine," Andy's robotic voice confirmed. Andy installed part of a kids toy inside of the mask. It made his voice sound slightly distorted. 

"I got the sludge" Andy stood up fully, acting like he knew what he was doing. He had snuck into drug raids and smaller stuff with lesser known heroes and got away with it before. They didn't even know he wasn't supposed to be there.

He turned on the vacuum inside the gauntlet and started picking up pieces of the sludge. He grabbed a bottle from the floor and started pouring the vicious villain into the bottle. 

"Hey... Wake Up. Hey!" He aggressively tapped the kid across the face as the kid came to. "Thought we lost you there!"

The kid immediately freaked out and backed away from all might. Andy rolled his eyes under the mask and continued picking up pieces of the villain and stuffing it into the bottle.

"Well. Looks like you're moving around all right. Sorry about that back there. I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justicing. Usually I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe. But it turns out the city's sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate!" All Might went on boastfully laughing.

Andy closed off the bottles as tight as he could. He pulled out a sharpie and started marking the bottle with his brand. .0 PZ is written on the bottle marking his capture. He held out the Bottle to All Might so he could take it in.

"Anyways, both of you were a big help. Thank you! We've captured the evil-doer!" He held the bottle out for the kid to see. 

The kid didn't seem interested enough to notice Andy standing to the side much. He was in such a daze by seeing All Might he didn't even notice.

"Please sign my notebook" the kid took a good look at it before you could hear his internal screams of joy. The book was already signed by the number one hero.

"Thank you so much! This will be an heirloom, a family treasure passed down for generations to come!" The kid bowed repeatedly in pure excitement.

Andy snickered at his overwhelming excitement. As a kid Andy too would most likely have the same reaction. He was an All Might super fan as a little kid. But now instead of being excited, anxiety filled his chest hoping neither of them would recognize him.

Uh huh. Well I've gotta get this guy to the police so they can take care of him! Stay out of trouble, see you around!"

"Wait you're leaving? Already?" 

"Pro heroes are constantly fighting time as well as enemies!" All Might leaped into the air as the kid tried to grab his attention once again. The kid is dragged along with the man into the sky as Andy shields his eyes from the wind and debris.

"Uh-" Andy is in shock that the kid just accidently launched himself into the sky.

Point Zero MHA OC AUWhere stories live. Discover now