The Exams

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HELLOOOO! Welcome to Point Zero's first double chapter! These are chapters that have to be one since splitting it in two wouldn't work too well. These chapters are 2000 words long so ENJOY! checkpoint in the middle of how the character looks!
'Alright. Kill the robots, count the points, get enough to pass. Seems easy enough for me' Andromeda thinks to himself as he walks to the front gate. He looks at the other students in nervousness as he fixes his blasters to fit more closely to his arms.

"GO!" A loud voice shouts out, catching Andy off guard as everyone runs past him. Andy quickly catches up and passes them, only behind a couple of the faster students in front of him. His boots pushed him towards faster and faster with every step as he looked for robots along the cityscape.

A 2 pointer appeared in front of him as he quickly pointed his blasters at it. The sound shook the robots until they broke down completely. The sound sent him back slightly as he prepared once again to hunt for another robot.

"Three points, one point, two points, two three points. Alright fourteen points not bad" he counted up the points and racked them up quite quickly.

A rattle in his heart breaks his concentration as he stops to check it out. A rattle inside the speakers plays and he knows something is deeply wrong with his gear. A giant 3 pointer shows up in front of him as he out of reflex points it up and shoots at it.

This time the force of the blaster sends Andy flying back with the force of the gears shockwave. A good portion of it is torn into bits. The blasters now refuse to turn on and he doesn't have enough points to pass. He was almost 100 percent sure it wouldn't do that during the practice tests and yet here it is, in his palm, shattered in thousands of pieces.

"Shit no! Nononononono" he grabs a spare loose metal plate from the robot as a weapon before running looking for more bots. He still had his boots, so he'll put them to good use.

An easy 1 pointer appears as he bounces across the walls, using the metal plate to jab holes inside till the robot is broken. It took more time than he thought to take it down, he knew it was over.

The buzzer went off, signaling it was time to end. His shoulders slumped as he realized his dreams would have to stay dreams. He didn't just let himself down, he let down every quirkless kid with ambitions.
◇◇◇◇◇◇◇Light Gore◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

"Ow, aw shit" A troubled voice calls out from behind a corner. A girl sat on the floor, her leg gashed open by a piece of metal. 

"Hey, are you ok?" Andy ran over to her and the small pile of blood that sat by her leg. 

"Yeah, i caught my leg pretty bad though" she held onto the cut trying to stop it from bleeding. Andy snapped a thick wire from his blasters and bent down to her leg. He wrapped it firmly around her leg to lessen the bleeding and helped her up from her bloody seat.

"Thank you"

"No problem" he held onto her and helped her hobble her way to the exit. Outside she got the medical care she needed and was sent off as Andy sat there staring at his blasters in despair.

"Hey Andy, you ok?" A familiar voice called out as he looked up. Midnight stood above him as everyone turned to look at him and Midnight, confused on why she knew him.

"My blaster broke mid exam." He sighed showing her the blaster that was practically split in half and warped to hell and back.

"Well, there's always the support course" she held out her hand to help Andy off the ground. He accepted and quickly got up with her help but was still bummed at the loss. He didn't really want to go to the support course, he wanted the hero course. 

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