The Beginners Guide To Being A Hero

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It has been a couple of weeks since Zero has done any vigilante work. The air that night was crisp and the sky was clear. The stars sprinkled the sky like snow in the wind.

He handed in a note along with a low level villain to the police station that explained his temporary leave. All he said really was that the close call with All Might was enough action for a week, so he's going on break.

Zero balanced on the edge of the building like if he was walking on a tightrope. The sound of a hero running around him grew closer to him as he turned around to greet the face.

"They send a new one every week I'm out here. When are they going to learn that not just any hero can catch me that easily as easily as All Might did." He arrogantly replied still balancing on the edge.

"What makes you think I'm just any hero?" The hero's monotone voice replied.

"Eh, just a hunch. Wanna play a game of cat and mouse?" Zero holds his arm out to the hero, the other keeping balance on the thin ledge.

The hero quickly unravels the scarves around his neck and sends them shooting at Zero. He quickly jumps back, the wraps shooting over his head.

"Woah, cool capture weapon. Mind if I take inspiration?" Zero jumped off the edge and onto the ground, the boots sparing him the fall. The hero peeks over the edge to see the vigilante running across the concrete path and through the buildings.

The hero jumps from building to building above Zero, who was only going a quarter of his true speed. If he went full speed he would quickly face plant into a wall just as fast as he picks up speed.

The hero jumps down in front of the vigilante, cutting off his exit.

"So mister hero, you have a name?" Zero stepped back into the alleyway making room to jump over the hero.

"Eraser head"

"Huh. Never heard of you. Underground hero?" Andy fixes his gloves before bouncing onto the walls of the buildings.

The hero stared daggers into his enemy, but they served no purpose. He isn't using his quirk, so it had no effect in stopping him. The hero was slightly confused by this before unraveling his scarf and throwing it at Zero.

His capture weapon quickly wraps around Zero. He trips and falls almost face first into the jagged concrete if it wasn't for an arm that escaped. He moved around slightly, but his every move tightened the bonds.

"Hah- You forgot two things, EraserHead" He laughed at his name before coming back.

"My arm, and my knife" Andy swiftly grabbed a jagged obsidian knife from his pocket and sliced the scarf in one swift cut. The sound of ripping cloth never existed; it had sliced it so cleanly.

The binds quickly loosened as Zero wasted no time getting back up and running off, keeping the heroes cloth in his hand.

That didn't stop the hero though. He ran after the vigilante who was easily outrunning him

"Man, I thought you were a pro, and I'm beating you so easily with only support gear." Zero giggled as he slowed down for the hero to gain a little bit. He knows he's being cocky but the excitement of a new hero and coming back from break was too grand to skip out on.

"So you don't use your quirk?"

"Can't use what you don't have" He turned down an alley too fast for Eraser Head to react. His feet skid across the floor as he changed directions. The words ringed in his ears. A quirkless vigilante is something that never existed before. Or was it just a bad quirk he couldn't use in a fight.

Down the alley he caught the end of a small fight. Zero already had the vigilante on the ground, his hands being tied by the cut scarf he had lost. His foot was on the back of the villain and a civilian, who looked too stunned to move.

Out from a small opening where the velcro on his mask stopped he pulled out a permanent marker.

"Can't have you taking the credit for my work." He opened the marker and wrote his logo on the back of the villains tied hands. On the cloth he wrote 'My Inspiration' and stepped off the villains back.

"You know while I'm out here saving people, you're out here chasing vigilantes saving the people you aren't." He sat on top of the villain who grunted at the kid sitting on top of him.

"Are you quirkless?" Eraser Head stepped closer to the vigilante.

"I didn't name myself Point Zero for no good reason. It's an accurate depiction of the amount of quirk I have. Im basic '' He fixed his legs into a cross "Us quirkless kids don't have as much as a future. Were treated like shit and ignored. Our hopes and dreams shattered. I want to change that. Give you heroes a reason to accept us."

He got off the villain and picked him up by the cuffs.

"Well, I'll be waiting in an hour at the top of that bar right down the street if you want to chase me again." He pushed the villain to Eraser Head. He grabbed the villain before he tripped as Zero walked out the alley.

"Oh and, you're the first person to crack the one digit code" Although the mask hid the smile he had on his face, it was quite apparent he was. Zero was somewhat proud that someone finally got the hint.

But Eraser Head didn't know what to say. What he said all made sense, but yet confused him. Why doesn't he become a hero himself if he can catch a villain so easily. He's escaped heroes and captured villains even the police were scared to handle yet it was a casual day for him.

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