First Impressions Matter

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HEY! Webek here! Just an update saying I'm going on hiatus. It'll be just a bit but I'm working on a large chapter and I also want some people to be able to catch up in reading. This will be about two weeks until I get it together and it'll be done. Anyways enjoy the chapter and see ya Friday in two weeks! Bye Readers

Andy walked into the school, his head laid low as he looked around at the faces he never had seen before. Some of course he had seen as Zero but right now, he never knew them.

As he walked into the school, signs were posted on the walls of where to go. Some of the older honors students had helped guide some students around. The hallways were tall and spacious with lots of room for tall people. He walked into the classroom and chose a random spot to sit in. Other students were already there and seemed to be quite confident in where they were. Unlike Andy who walked in trying to sink his already tall self.

It was quite sunny yet clouds filled the sky. Andy sat close to the windows and looked upon the birds collecting and bathing in the dust field. He couldn't sit in the chair quite right cause his long legs hit the desk. He sat with his legs crossed and up to his chest, attempting to take up as little space as he could. The teacher walks in and to Andy's surprise walks in with a costume on. Although he didn't keep track of heroes outside of the cities he immediately knew who this was, Power Loader.

"Good morning class. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the school year" He stood at the podium like a thing at the front of the class. His head was covered in a metal mask with jaws like an excavator. 

The teacher continued about how they were going to improve and repair the support gear made during the exam. Notes were written about how to improve the gear as he asked a student to help hand them out. A cart was quickly wheeled in with the corpses of their gear they had made during the exam.

"MY BABIES '' One of the girls calls out looking at her mangled inventions. On the cart two of Andy's inventions laid there. His blasters and fire and water gauntlets. He waits a second for everyone else to grab their inventions in despair. When he finally picked him up along with the others which were in surprising conditions compared to the other students.

"We will be going to a room with more tools available. For now look over the review given and hatch some plans to improve your support gear" Power Loader started walking around the classroom giving advice slowly to the other students in the class.

"Oh, Andy?" The teacher walked up to Andy.

"Hm?" Andy looked at him nervously. While Andy sat down normally, the small sized hero was face to face with the student.

"Feel free to improve on Zero's gear in your free time. I would love to see his gear up close" Power Loader gave a quick thumbs up before continuing, looking at the gauntlets. "I would cover these wires on both of these and for the gauntlets, I'd say make it so the cartridges can be removed a bit more easily."

"Sure. I should really learn to cover exposed wires more. It's a bad habit" Andy nervously laughed while looking at the blasters in his hand. Did every teacher know about his side hobby at this point? 

As the kid spaced off at the gear he had a sudden explosion broke his concentration

"ACK-" He jumped from his seat, quickly putting on the broken blasters and looked out the window. A blonde spiky haired kid appeared from the fire standing in the circle in the field.

"Oh, Aizawa got that kid" Power Loader looked out the window then back at the kid. "Don't worry, it's only the hero students"

Andy nervously chuckled at his weird reaction. All the other students flinched or ducked their heads but he was the only one to prepare.

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