Chapter 2

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"You look so good today, I'm literally so glad that I'm your ex."

I chuckled at Samuel's joke as I kissed his cheek. "You look so good too, baby."

The nickname "baby" is something I'm never getting rid of. It's like a good memory of our relationship and I plan to keep it forever.

"Ugh I'm failing chemistry so hard, I don't get this shit. What the fuck is Pri- Pripe-"

"Propane?" I asked and tried not to laugh at his face.

"Yeah, that."

"Let me see," he handed me his notebook. "Come on, baby. This is easy, you just have to learn some formulas."

"Well, my dear ex, I can't fucking learn this formulas." He said and snatched the notebook from my hand.

I rolled my eyes at his unmotivated self. Taking a bite from his sandwich I didn't even notice Imani taking a seat next to me.

"Hey loves." She greeted us.

"Oh hey prettiest girl in the world." I wasn't lying, she was so pretty. Her glowing skin, curly hair, big brown eyes.

These two are literally my best friends for life. I didn't have anyone else. Everyone is so fake! But these two, they are for lifers.

"So? What is the birthday girl doing for her birthday?" Imani asked and winked at me.

"A party, of course. It'll be at one of my dad's clubs."

"Yes! Your dad is such a dilf-"

I threw a pen at Samuel before he finished his sentence.

"Please, have you seen her mom tho-?" I threw another one at Imani too.

"Ew you guys! You're so disgusting!"

They both started laughing while I imitated like I was throwing up. I'm aware of the fact that my parents are Paris and Elias Campbell are still one of the most popular and beautiful couple in L.A.

"Anyways, who's invited?"

"Just you two," I said too serious. "Just kidding, a lot of people babes."

They gave me a thumbs up then Sam continued typing on his phone while Imani was writing something in her notebook. I was devouring the sandwich since I was so hungry.

"I want a boyfriend." Samuel whined.

"Same." Imani agreed.

"I want a sugar daddy." I blurted out. They both looked at me, stunned.

"What? Why? Girl, you're richer than all of the people here combined. Why would you need a sugar daddy?"

I sighed and raised my hands in defense. "No, not for the money. I just think that older men are better, at everything."

They both stopped for a second and looked at each other. Samuel hummed and put his palm under his chin.

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