Chapter 15

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I love attention.

I love when all eyes are on me.

I love when I'm walking by and they're staring like I'm some type of an unreal figure.

The same happened when we entered one of the best clubs in Paris. We quickly gained everyone's attention.

You see, as I said, I love attention. But not when it comes from men who are sitting with gorgeous girls beside them. Those disgust me.

When my gaze landed on a guy, probably my age, with a bad haircut, even worse outfit and a pretty, blonde girl with an amazing dress sitting and hugging him while he's gawking at me, I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him. I was seconds away from taking his girl away from him and leaving his curious ass alone. Did I mention that he winked at me? And looked me up and down like I'm a piece of meat?


Me and Imani made our way to the bar and immediately ordered drinks. No alcohol, of course. Okay maybe just a little bit.

We chuckled while gulping down our shots. Thankfully the legal age to drink in Paris is 18.

I didn't plan to get drunk, I just needed a shot or two to get myself in the mood.

"Do you see that guy right there?" Imani nudged me, secretly pointing to a blonde guy sitting across from us.

"Yes." I whispered.

"He's from the other class. Jaden. I may or may not have a little crush on him." She giggled and continued staring at him.

"Shoot your shot girl, you see how he is looking at you?" I winked at her. "Plus, he's cute."

"You think so?"

"Yup, you got nothing to lose. We're here to have fun."

After convincing Imani to go and talk to her crush, I stayed alone for some time. Texting with my mom and gossiping. I didn't mind being alone tho, plus Imani is just a few steps away.

The worst thing about drinking is that I immediately need to pee. Like, it's so weird but I can't help it.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whispered to Imani when I passed by her.

"Alright, do you want me to come?"

"No, wait for me here." I said and she nodded.

Again, I felt everyone's stares. But- why do I feel like there's a particular gaze that is literally burning me? Maybe you're exaggerating, Adeline.

I was washing my hands after doing my business and then applied another coat of my red lipstick. I also adjusted my black, satin-slip dress. After feeling refreshed, I went to exit the bathroom, even if deep down I felt a little uncomfortable.

As soon as I went out, I bumped into someone. But before I could say anything, that person pinned me on the wall. My eyes widened when they met his.


He came here. He really did. I knew it!

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