Chapter 8

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"He's what?"

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"He's what?"

"He's getting married."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My twenty year old nephew was getting married. It was my brother's stupid decision, trapping Samuel in the world of money and wealth. I knew what his plan was. Our father was on his death bed, his liver cancer has already metastasized to his lungs and bones.

Francois Garcia is already a dead man.

Meaning all his money must be split between us.

The most respected thing in the Garcia Royal family is...marriage.

Especially to my father.

So that's why my brother's plan is to find his son a wife as soon as possible and inherit the bigger part of the money.

I didn't care honestly. It's not like I needed money, or marriage. But my brother being selfish as always, choose money over his son's future. He wanted to ruin it so soon.

"Alright. Text me the details." And with that said, I was out of his office.

Why try to fight with him when I knew how stubborn he is.

My brother already had the biggest bank in New York, a casino in Las Vegas, three hotels in Monaco, all heritage from our family.

While I had nothing of that shit. I never accepted any of those hotels, casinos, firms that our father offered us.

I opened my own winery. I made my own empire by being one of the best wineries in the whole fucking world.


Like the Greek God of wine.

At thirty one I'm already a billionaire. I have everything I want. And that's enough.


"You look very handsome, Mr. Garcia." My new assistant fluttered her eyelashes, stepping closer to me, roaming her hands on my chest. I threw her a cold look which was enough for her to step back. Embarrassed, she tucked her hair behind her ears then excused herself and left.

I looked in the mirror while fixing my tie, then ran a hand through my hair. I guess this is it, my nephew's engagement party is here. I don't even know who his fiance is, and honestly, I don't even care.

When I arrived at one of my brother's biggest hotels, I immediately regretted even coming here.

Just do it for Samuel.

I tried encouraging myself and within a few seconds, I was welcomed with a big party including a lot of people. It looked nice, I guess. Just too much roses which I'm allergic to.

I saw my brother talking with someone so I just waved a hand to him, signaling him that I'll be around here.

Which I'm not going to be.

I left the big chamber and started searching for the nearest place where I can be away from most of my family. Walking down the hall, I saw a small and empty bar and I went in right away. No bartender, no guests...perfect. I went to the shelves full of alcohol and tried finding something for my throat.

They don't have my wine? Pathetic.

Oh, I forgot what kind of jerk my brother is.

However, I grabbed the nearest Scotch whiskey and poured myself a glass. Sitting on one of the stools, deep in my thoughts, I didn't even realize when someone entered the room.

She stood there, watching me intensely. And believe me when I say that I was doing the same. I just simply couldn't take my eyes off her. She was tall, with a sculpted figure. Her hair was dark and it flowed over her shoulder. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. From her cheeks to her rosy lips, I could not help but stare at her beauty. Her tight dress hugging her body just perfectly. Her curvilinear waist and hips were making it harder for me to turn my gaze away.

I grazed my tongue against my lips, watching her nipples getting hard as I teased her with my gaze.

Fuck me.

I shifted in my seat feeling the temperature around me getting hotter. I saw a small smirk forming on her lips as she made her way towards me.

Her scent, those seductive gazes and those sweet words coming out of her sugar lips were enough to make me fall in her trap.


I took out a cigarette before blowing it up with a lighter as I tossed it on the bed and walked towards the window standing in front of it.

She left.

The goddess I fucked all night left me without a word.

Am I offended?


It's just weird because a woman has never left first after a one-night stand with me. I usually leave first but the problem is that I never actually considered doing it with Adeline. I planned to spend the whole day with her. I even texted my assistant last night that I will have a day off today but-

She left.

She fucking left.

My lips turned into a smirk as I blew the smoke out.

No matter how angry I was, I couldn't help but wander my mind back to how beautiful she was. How she felt, her kisses, her touch. I was never this captivated by a woman. I have met many women. I have seen, been in a relationship or just hooked up for a night with women. I have found them gorgeous but my mind has never been this preoccupied with them.

Why do I find her so fascinating?

Is it her beauty? Or just her touch and pussy?

Maybe it's her seductive aura. The way she swayed her hips with confidence when she made her way towards me yesterday. Or when she was kneeling on her knees and watching me with those hazel eyes. Whatever it's strange. I don't even think I have a chance of meeting her again. Do I even want to see her again? Or am I too scared of getting too obsessed with her beauty?

The ringing of my phone stopped my bullshit-rambling.


"Dion, finally! Where were you the whole night? I searched for you everywhere!"

"I went home earlier." I lied, even if I knew I had one of the best nights ever.

" That's the respect you have for your brother? Then thank you so much Dion, I appreciate it." My brother said making me roll my eyes. He's the one talking about respect? Funny.

"I'll call you later." And I hung up the call.

Such a good way to start my morning.

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