Chapter 10

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"Do you think that your uncle is homophobic?"

Samuel choked on his peach tea and his face got all red. "I don't know, bitch. I was about to choke and die, literally."

I gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I was just curious."

He shrugged and his mood changed immediately, making me regret asking him that. "I really don't know, I don't even want to know till everything is over. I just think it's too soon to tell him even if I have a great friendship with my uncle. He's very cool and stuff but- I'm still not ready."

He has a great friendship with his uncle...fuck! That made me feel even worse.

"It's your right, Sam."

"I know. I hope that I can soon tell them everything."

"By the way, I didn't know that you had an uncle." I said, trying to sound as natural as I can.

Sam took a sip of his drink and sighed. "Well, I do. Honestly, he's the best of them all. The others are just too uptight and follow the Royal rules while Dion is very open-minded. You know, he's a billionaire and is the owner of one of the best wineries in the entire world."

I admired how Sam talked about his uncle. I can see that he respected him a lot. Gosh, why does everything have to be so difficult?

"Really? That's awesome." I said like I didn't google his whole family tree last night.

Samuel raised a brow and snorted. "Wait, don't tell me that you-" his mouth stayed open like he was surprised.

"What?" I asked confusingly.

"Don't tell me that you developed some sort of a crush for my uncle since he is an older and handsome man."

Shit...shit shit shit!

I tried to act normal but in vain. My nervous chuckle and my stuttering made everything worse.

"Of cou- course no! Why would I? He's not my type. He- he's very old, and- and it's not like he's that handsome."

Samuel started laughing. "Calm your tits down, babe. I get it, okay? Chill."

I licked my dry lips. "Okay, okay. I just don't want you to get a wrong impression. I was just curious since I haven't seen him before."

"It's fine. Plus, I was joking," Sam chuckled one last time then stood up from his chair. He made his way towards me and kissed my cheek. "I'll get going, I have French."

"Lucky you, I have History." I rolled my eyes.

"Good luck, babe."

"Thanks, baby." I waved him off then continued sitting in the canteen for a few more minutes.

He was about to catch me and I overreacted. I was just too surprised and I panicked too quickly.

Fuck it. At least Sam believed me...I guess.


"Aaaand it's done!" I announced as I swiped the paint brush against the canvas.

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