Chapter 20

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Secretly waiting in front of the Campbell's Mansion like a stalker was making me want to laugh at my funny state

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Secretly waiting in front of the Campbell's Mansion like a stalker was making me want to laugh at my funny state. I literally looked like a psycho waiting in my car behind some fucking tree.

The things I do for this girl...

And the things I would do for her are out of control.


That's how I felt. I can't be around her and not close to her. It's simply impossible. I'm vulnerable when it comes to her and I don't even know why. The urge to- to just be close to Adeline is getting out of control.

And as I said, I have no idea why. But when I saw a figure making her way towards my car I came to a conclusion that maybe her perfect self of the answer to my obsessive thoughts. How gorgeous, graceful and elegant she walked and looked. I couldn't turn my gaze away from her when she entered my car and the smell of coconut and vanilla spread everywhere. I want to be able to always breath this scent.

"Hi." She said with a cheesy smile.

"Hi." I returned back and took my time admiring her closer. The way her delicate skin glowed, the way she batted those thick eyelashes, the way her cheeks got even more redder now and the way she had the cutest smile on her dark red-painted lips.

Can't help it, I must kiss those succulent lips.

In an instant, I crash my lips against hers. Adeline immediately accepted and deepened the passionate kiss we shared. Her plump lips are possessive, a low moan escapes her mouth. She intertwined her fingers through my hair, kissing me with all she got.

Adeline is my addiction.

Her tongue traces my bottom lip, making me lose all my senses. My hand slid from her cheek to her neck and gripped it. I bit her lip as she softly whimpered.

"Missed me that much?" I asked and cocked my head to the side with a teasing smile.

She smirked and brushed my messy hair. "No. I just greet every guy I go on a date like this."

That made my smile drop. I pulled away and sat back in my seat. I heard her chuckle as she pulled out her Chanel lipstick and reapplied it.

"You're so cute when you are jealous."

I just rolled my eyes at her statement and started the car. This girl loved getting on my nerves.

"I wasn't jealous." I lied.

"Oh you sure were, babe."

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