Chapter 27

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"We're coming to your house tonight

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"We're coming to your house tonight."

"I know."

It was weird how today Sam decided not to run away from me and Imani and sit next to me in our classes. I didn't ask anything, he also didn't say anything. We tried to act as normal as we can.

"We can go through this. We just need to use a little bit of our acting skills."

Sam gave me a small smile. I haven't seen him smile for some time and it was a nice sight. I tapped his back with a reassuring smile since he looked like he needed it.

I wasn't a noisy person, nor did I wanted to know about every person's life. But when it came to Sam, I wanted to know what was happening to him, why was he like this?

It's not curiosity, it's concern.

I promised myself that tonight-- I'll try and talk with Sam. He looks like he needs someone to talk but- it's- it's like he can't. It's like he has a wall before him and he just can't be relaxed around his friends like he used to be.

But I'll try and discover what happened to my best friend.


"Good evening Campbell's, welcome!" Sam's dad welcomed us very excitingly.

We all greeted each other with the fakest smiles ever. I mean, I can say for myself, I did gave them a fake one. As for Sam's dad--he looked excited but his mom looked like she wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. She was more welcoming in the past. I guess people change.

"It's good to see you, please sit down."

We all went inside the living room and sat down. Sam was nowhere to be seen and I kinda got worried. His dad saw that I was looking for him while averting my gaze towards every corner.

"Adeline, Samuel is upstairs. He'll be down soon."

"Alright. I'll go and see him." I excused myself and walked upstairs since I also wanted to get away from them. I always hated when my parents brought me to dinners with a lot of people, it's just too much for me.

I walked to his door but stopped and took a step back when I saw that it was opened a little. Enough for me to see something that will leave me...traumatized.

I gasped and stepped back even more, almost colliding with the wall between me. My gasp was so loud that made Sam turn around fastly. His expression was also written with panic and surprise when we locked gazes.

"Adeline-" he muttered and walked towards me, then grabbed my hand and pulled me inside his room. "Y- you- I didn't know-"

"Sam..." I couldn't even speak from the shock I experienced.

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