Chapter 36

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I didn't need to be told twice

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I didn't need to be told twice. I immediately discarded my dress and all the clothes I had on me, leaving me naked just like Dion.

My face was flushed with heat while looking at a naked Dion. He looked like a real Dionysus--a real Greek God. His rounded and strong shoulder, his veiny arms and ripped chest. I was practically drooling but thankfully the shower covered that up.

"You're so perfect." He said before taking me in his arms. I closed my eyes and let the water flow on our naked bodies. My hands started roaming around his chest while he held me and placed butterfly kisses on my neck.

His rock hard dick was pressing against my thigh, rather close to my pussy, his hips rolling unconsciously against me. I threw my head back, insides clenching around nothing as I felt myself get needier and wetter as time progressed.
Pressing me against the wall, he continued kissed my neck.

Getting trapped against the wall before he grabbed my waist with one hand and let his free hand meddle with my folds. Throwing my head back, I felt his fingers moving into and between my folds before sliding inside of me. I could only moan and try to press my thighs together but he pulled them apart.

"Dripping wet." He hissed beside my ear, chuckling right after as he moved his fingers faster and harder, then he started rubbing over my clit, I moaned in response, squeezing my eyes shut as I melted under the feeling of pleasure. Slipping his fingers into me again, he moved them in and out, my tight walls clenching and unclenching around his fingers.

Suddenly, he pulled his fingers out, bent down and threw my left thigh over his shoulder. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even know how to react but when a lick from his tongue touched my clit, I threw my head on the wall and gripped his hair.

"Fuck." I hissed when his tongue startes going crazy on my clitoris. So fast licking and sucking my pussy that I felt like I was going to explode.

He begins a slow and sensual assault, his tongue swirling around and around while his fingers move inside me. I can't close my legs or move and it's intense.

"Oh sh- shit!" I hiss and try to pull away from his face but only collide with the wall behind me as Dion took the chance to bury his face in my pussy even more.

"I know, baby. But you can take it." He whispered and blew softly on my clit.

I struggled to keep my thighs open as they started to tremble around him. He knew just how to make me come undone. The way he would suck on my skin, littering my body with purple love bites. How his tongue would swirl around my clit, changing pace and pressure to just how I like it. Or the way he could effortlessly press his fingers against my G-spot perfectly, making a knot form in my stomach in seconds.

All of this combined had me a crying, squirming mess within minutes. That's just how Dion liked it too, him being the only one that could make me feel like this.

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