Chapter 9

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As soon as I turned around, my heart started beating at an unusual pace

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As soon as I turned around, my heart started beating at an unusual pace. The person who I never expected to be here is standing right in front of me.

I froze in my spot.


We both just stood there, staring at each other in surprise. I got chills running down my spine when those eyes locked with mine again.

All the memories...

But mostly...

"Um- this is Dion, my uncle."


I slept with Samuel's uncle? Fuck!

I felt like my whole body was burning from embarrassment. I wanted to bury myself underground or jump out of the nearest window. That's how bad I felt about myself. I'm aware of my actions, I'm aware that I fucked up and it's the worst feeling ever.

It feels like a biting shoe, filled with beach sand.

Years of being friends with Sam, even being his girlfriend...I slept with his uncle.


A voice calling his parents broke me out of my thoughts and when I looked up again, Dion was staring at me.


Anger was written all over his face. His jaw was clenched as he didn't break our eye contact. His furrowed brows and intense glare, full of something more harsher than the first time we met, was enough to make me gulp in fear.

Fear of him confronting me.

Samuel stood there awkwardly then grabbed a glass of wine which was placed on the table in front of us. He was too deep in his thoughts and anxiety to feel the awkward tension between me and his uncle.

It was getting too distressing for me so I lied to Sam that I need to go to the bathroom. He just nodded while I turned around and walked away, without making any eye contact with Dion.

My heart was beating faster and faster every second as I walked to the restroom. When I walked inside, a few women were already here fixing their make up and washing their hands. I waited behind a girl with a green, long dress as she put on her lipstick. She definitely took her time as I waited, my anxiety getting even worse.

When she finally moved away and exited the restroom, I was left alone. In my own fucking guilt and misery.

But I didn't know that. I never expected him to be Sam's relative. I- I didn't know...

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