Chapter 14

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She is here

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She is here.

Fuck...she is here.

What is she even doing here?

I really can't get away from this girl. Deep down, I didn't even want to. Even if I'm surprised, I feel like I'm so closer to her now. Call me selfish for not caring about anything else but myself, I don't care.

Adeline is so beautiful. I can't get the image out of my head now. How glowing she looked, with her long hair tied in a bun, short yellow summer dress. My mind is getting so occupied with her. Even if I tried to run away from her, we still found a way to see each other again.

Is she here with her friends? Sam didn't tell me anything about coming here. This was such a big coincidence leaving me wondering if we'll see each other again.

"Dion, I'm so glad that we met." Mr. Pappas said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He was my business partner from Greece. He was very interested in importing my wine in Greece, he claims that it would be a great deal. We were flying to Monaco the day after tomorrow which reduced my time in Paris.

"The feeling is mutual. We'll see each other on Monday." I said and extended my hand for a handshake.

"Definitely. Have a good day." He said as we shook hands.

"You too."

We parted ways when we arrived in front of my hotel. It was one of my brother's business. I always knew I was going to succeed in life, regardless my father's money. I was the one who studied the hardest, I was one of the best students in my Business class, I was the one who build his own company. On the contrary, my brother had everything on a plate.

He can do whatever he wants as long as he provides a good life for my nephews, but he wasn't actually doing that. My brother is a bad father, I can guarantee that.

I stepped inside my room and immediately locked the door. I have to put my mind on "don't disturb" mode. I started unbuttoning my shirt and unzipping my pants. When I got rid of my clothes, I got in the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I needed to relieve some stress.

Letting the water run through my hair and body, I closed my eyes and tried to relax under the hot droplets.

Hazel eyes...chocolate brown hair...glossy cheeks with a few freckles.

"Merde!" (Fuck)

I almost forgot her, I almost did. And now she is in front of me again. Looking so captivating and exquisite.

Even if I tried to erase the memory of us that night, I couldn't. As much as I tried, it still lingered somewhere there, inside my head, reminding me of this passionate night that I spent with my nephew's fiance.

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